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Detect platform that sprite is on


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I am creating a platforming game that has multiple different platforms.

Some platforms slope up and others slope down.

Upward Sloping Platforms

* If the character moves right, his y position will increase

* If the character moves left, his y position will decrease

* The angle property of these platforms is negative

Downward Sloping Platforms

If the character moves right, his y position will decrease

* If the character moves left, his y position will increase;

* The angle property of these platforms is positive

The following tries to find the colliding platform.

My update function looks something like this

game.physics.arcade.collide(hero, platforms, function() {
    currentPlatform = platforms.children.filter(p => p.getBounds().contains(hero.x, hero.y))[0];

I need this platform to calculate whether the character will move upwards or downwards. Here is an example

if (cursors.right.isDown) {
    if (currentPlatform) {
        hero.y = currentPlatform.angle < 0 ? hero.y - 0.04 : hero.y + 0.04;

This obviously doesn't work, and the 0.04 value is hard coded, because I can't figure out how to increment with an angle.

I've also tried calling sprite.body.touching, which returns the following

Object {none: true, up: false, down: false, left: false, right: false}

I am completely lost right now.

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