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Can't load textures in Sandbox


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Hi Gijs, thanks for your answer.

If you look inside babylon file you will see that textures are defined as follow;

  "diffuseTexture": { "name": "https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-OOMaIHLcDyekQtdnhZODhkc1E",   

 "opacityTexture": { "name": "https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-OOMaIHLcDyYTIzTVhfLUluMTQ",

The urls which are displayed in the console are converted to lowercase, and it seem that they didn't work for that reason. If you put in the browser the exact url that is on babylon file, they work.



Anyway, I upload a new version of the babylon file where the textures point to another server (and I get same results)


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The sandbox has been made to load local files only, by drag'n'dropping all resources directly. Usually, when you're exporting a scene from Unity, Blender or 3DS Max, the URL to the textures are not absolute. 

Our loader is changing its behavior when we're detecting a "file://" moniker and try to load all the textures (or sound) from the drag'n'drop operation.

If you really want to keep your file with the path to textures like that, please use the PlayGround and load your scene by code.


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