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Change position of meshes


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I have 20 meshes, By connecting each other i make one object and apply rotation to some mashes. Its working fine.

Now i want to change position of all meshes dynamically (As per i got a data from server Ex. x = 2 and y = 3 than move all meshes in x and y direction from current position).

I set one parent mesh for all 20 meshes and set position of parent mesh but when i set position of parent mesh its set position of only rotated meshes. static meshes's positons are not change.

 var parentMesh = BABYLON.Mesh.CreateBox('pmesh',50, scene);
               parentMesh.isVisible = false;
               for (i = 0; i < a1.length; i++)
                  a1.parent = parentMesh;

First add all meshes in array a1.

parentMesh.position.x = a;
parentMesh.position.y = b;

But issue is not apply position change effect to all meshes, few meshes position is as it is not change.

Please help me out of this issue....!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hi guys.  I see a mistake in your code, but the forum caused it.  The forum is interpreting the openBracket i closeBracket as a "switch to italics" directive.  We'll try a "code block" gotten from selecting "insert code snippet" button in forum editor...

for (i = 0; i < a1.length; i++)
    a1[i].parent = parentMesh;

There, that looks better.  Still need testing playground, though.  A1... contains ALL child mesh, rotated or not, right?  A1 has length 20?

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