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[solved] Path3D.curve > getWorldCoordinates of each point?


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how can I get the absolute positions of points of a curve?

I'm getting the curve out of a Path3D Object that is a child of a Mesh.

Currently I'm adding the absolute position of the mesh onto the local coordinates of the curve-points. But that's not a cool way, is it?


Oh, just have to add some info: the mesh that contains the curve is rotated ...

Maybe now it's not that easy any more :-)

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It works, thanks a lot!

Excactly what I've needed.

So ... how can I mark this thread as solved now?


And maybe one more question:

Before I've used "var firstAbsolutePoint = myCurve[0].add(myMesh.getAbsolutePosition())" > Why wasn't that the correct way?

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