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World Offset


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That could work I got the world shifted I have code like 


var bounds = new Phaser.Rectangle(0, 0, 400, 400);
customBounds = { left: null, right: null, top: null, bottom: null };
createPreviewBounds(bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height);

Of the example and 

txtScore = game.add.text(100,-90, "Coins",style3);

to put stuff in the area above the world. 

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Nice! Glad you found a solution that worked.

If your UI gets more complicated, it might make sense to create two Phaser.Group objects, one for the UI on top, and one for the game area underneath. You could add all your ui objects to the UI group and all your game objects to the game area group.

believe, although I don't have a ton of experience with it, that if you set the position for a group, all of the group's children will be positioned relative to where the group is. So adding a child to the UI group will mean that it's positioned in that top area, and adding a child to the game area group will mean its positioned relative to the bottom area.

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