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PHASER : Chained transitions issue

Le Sparte

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Hi there,

Hi have a sprite moving on the x axis at a given speed. When the user press on the space bar, I want (1) the sprite to stop on y axis, (2) make a move to the right, (3) go back at his initial position, and (4) continue his way on y.

I've tried with the following code but the sprite stops while going back to his position and keeps shaking. Is there an easier way to do what I'm trying to achieve? If not, how could I debug this code?

Many thanks!

PS: my sprite will have to consider collisions.

	    if (this.space.isDown){
        let position_man = this.man.body.y;
        let speed_man = this.man.body.velocity.y;
        this.man.body.velocity.y = 0;
        let tween = game.add.tween(this.man);
        function retour(){
            let tween2 = game.add.tween(this.man);
        this.man.body.velocity.y = speed_man;


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