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Weapon plugin not run update (Typescript)


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I'm writing a class that extends Phaser.Weapon and i want that the method update() keep running, like this:

class MissileWeapon extends Phaser.Weapon {
  constructor(game: Phaser.Game){
    super(game, game.plugins);

    /*this not execute*/

But it not running.

If i add this "hack":

class MissileWeapon extends Phaser.Weapon {
  constructor(game: Phaser.Game){
    super(game, game.plugins);

    /*the hack*/
    this.active = true; /*active plugin*/
    this.hasUpdate = true;
    var test = game.plugins.add(Phaser.Weapon); /*Only for the game.plugins(PluginManager) start running*/
    game.plugins.plugins.push(this); /*add my weapon in the PluginManager*/

    /*executing */

It seems that when extends of plugin Weapon, it not is added direct in the game.plugins (PluginManager), then the method update not executes. 

How could i make this without uses the "hack"?

and i'm using Phaser version 2.6.2

thanks :-)

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Weapons (and all Plugins) instantiate themselves but it's the PluginManager's job to add and activate them. You can imitate game.add.weapon:

Phaser.GameObjectFactory.prototype.missileWeapon = function (quantity, key, frame, group) {
  var weapon = this.game.plugins.add(MissileWeapon);
  weapon.createBullets(quantity, key, frame, group);
  return weapon;

// …



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thanks @samme, works like a charm.

I just has needed of add the method init(), because the constructor of the MissileWeapon receive two args.


class MissileWeapon extends Phaser.Weapon {
  someVar: string;
  constructor(game: Phaser.Game, someVar: string){
    super(game, game.plugins);
    this.someVar = someVar;

    /*the hack*/
    this.active = true; /*active plugin*/
    this.hasUpdate = true;
    var test = game.plugins.add(Phaser.Weapon); /*Only for the game.plugins(PluginManager) start running*/
    game.plugins.plugins.push(this); /*add my weapon in the PluginManager*/

this.myMissileWeapon = new MissileWeapon(this.game, "something");


class MissileWeapon extends Phaser.Weapon {
  someVar: string;

  constructor(game: Phaser.Game, parent: Phaser.PluginManager){
    super(game, game.plugins);

  init(someVar: string){
    this.someVar = someVar;

this.myMissileWeapon = this.game.plugins.add(MissileWeapon, "something");


Edited by ArmTwo
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