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Collision: Make sprites immovable and impassable


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I have a problem with handling the collision between sprites. I have a group of enemies and a player sprite. I want none of the sprites to be able to move trough each others. At first I had the enemy body set to immovable and that disabled the player from pushing the enemy around upon collision. However, when I added more enemies to the group, I found that if the enemy bodies is set to immovable = true - they will be able to walk straight trough each others even if they have an internal collision detection (as that is the case between two immovable bodies). So if i set immovable to false - the enemies will appear solid when colliding with each other, but the player is able to push the enemy. What is it that I have not understood? I just want all the sprites solid.

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If both objects in a collision are immovable, Phaser isn't allowed to separate them (because immovable), so they will pass through each other.

You can try

enemies.setAll('body.immovable', true);
game.physics.arcade.collide(player, enemies);
enemies.setAll('body.immovable', false);


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On 2017-03-07 at 5:08 AM, samme said:

If both objects in a collision are immovable, Phaser isn't allowed to separate them (because immovable), so they will pass through each other.

You can try

enemies.setAll('body.immovable', true);
game.physics.arcade.collide(player, enemies);
enemies.setAll('body.immovable', false);


Thanks! That works fine. Pretty obvious, but I did not think of it :P

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