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Multimaterial Blended Texture Transitions


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That series, and that playground... is SO cool!  And I love the questions and answers, too.  @Rolento and other readers... NasimiAsl's ShaderBuilder extension uses a programming style called Fluent... and that's why it looks so unusual. You can learn more about Fluent interfaces here, and at other web places.  Funny-looking stuff, huh?  :)  (Just in case Rolento was thinking "What the hell language is THIS thing programmed-in?")  :D

Hey Naz... what is best way to "display" entire shader program(s) instead of compiling?  Is there a way to "view"?  Do we view "result"?  And, can we paste that "result" into Babylon.ShadersStore, and HTML <SCRIPT> elements, and into .fx files?  Curious.  I like to see code that ShaderBuilder "assembles" (if possible).  (thx).  Again, great thread.

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41 minutes ago, Wingnut said:


That series, and that playground... is SO cool!  And I love the questions and answers, too.  @Rolento and other readers... NasimiAsl's ShaderBuilder extension uses a programming style called Fluent... and that's why it looks so unusual. You can learn more about Fluent interfaces here, and at other web places.  Funny-looking stuff, huh?  :)  (Just in case Rolento was thinking "What the hell language is THIS thing programmed-in?")  :D

Hey Naz... what is best way to "display" entire shader program(s) instead of compiling?  Is there a way to "view"?  Do we view "result"?  And, can we paste that "result" into Babylon.ShadersStore, and HTML <SCRIPT> elements, and into .fx files?  Curious.  I like to see code that ShaderBuilder "assembles" (if possible).  (thx).  Again, great thread.

precision highp float;
#extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable

                       varying vec2 vuv;
                       varying vec3 pos;
                       varying vec3 nrm;
                       uniform  sampler2D  txtRef_0;
                       uniform  sampler2D  txtRef_1;
                       uniform  sampler2D  txtRef_2;
                       uniform  vec3 center;
                       uniform  vec3 camera;
                       uniform  float time;
                       vec3 random3(vec3 c) {   float j = 4096.0*sin(dot(c,vec3(17.0, 59.4, 15.0)));   vec3 r;   r.z = fract(512.0*j); j *= .125;  r.x = fract(512.0*j); j *= .125; r.y = fract(512.0*j);  return r-0.5;  } 
                       float rand(vec2 co){   return fract(sin(dot(co.xy ,vec2(12.9898,78.233))) * 43758.5453); } 
                       const float F3 =  0.3333333;const float G3 =  0.1666667;
                       float simplex3d(vec3 p) {   vec3 s = floor(p + dot(p, vec3(F3)));   vec3 x = p - s + dot(s, vec3(G3));  vec3 e = step(vec3(0.0), x - x.yzx);  vec3 i1 = e*(1.0 - e.zxy);  vec3 i2 = 1.0 - e.zxy*(1.0 - e);   vec3 x1 = x - i1 + G3;   vec3 x2 = x - i2 + 2.0*G3;   vec3 x3 = x - 1.0 + 3.0*G3;   vec4 w, d;    w.x = dot(x, x);   w.y = dot(x1, x1);  w.z = dot(x2, x2);  w.w = dot(x3, x3);   w = max(0.6 - w, 0.0);   d.x = dot(random3(s), x);   d.y = dot(random3(s + i1), x1);   d.z = dot(random3(s + i2), x2);  d.w = dot(random3(s + 1.0), x3);  w *= w;   w *= w;  d *= w;   return dot(d, vec4(52.0));     }  
                       float noise(vec3 m) {  return   0.5333333*simplex3d(m)   +0.2666667*simplex3d(2.0*m) +0.1333333*simplex3d(4.0*m) +0.0666667*simplex3d(8.0*m);   } 
                       float dim(vec3 p1 , vec3 p2){   return sqrt((p2.x-p1.x)*(p2.x-p1.x)+(p2.y-p1.y)*(p2.y-p1.y)+(p2.z-p1.z)*(p2.z-p1.z)); }
                       vec2  rotate_xy(vec2 pr1,vec2  pr2,float alpha) {vec2 pp2 = vec2( pr2.x - pr1.x,   pr2.y - pr1.y );return  vec2( pr1.x + pp2.x * cos(alpha*3.14159265/180.) - pp2.y * sin(alpha*3.14159265/180.),pr1.y + pp2.x * sin(alpha*3.14159265/180.) + pp2.y * cos(alpha*3.14159265/180.));} 
 vec3  r_y(vec3 n, float a,vec3 c) {vec3 c1 = vec3( c.x,  c.y,   c.z );c1.x = c1.x;c1.y = c1.z;vec2 p = rotate_xy(vec2(c1.x,c1.y), vec2( n.x,  n.z ), a);n.x = p.x;n.z = p.y;return n; } 
 vec3  r_x(vec3 n, float a,vec3 c) {vec3 c1 = vec3( c.x,  c.y,   c.z );c1.x = c1.y;c1.y = c1.z;vec2 p = rotate_xy(vec2(c1.x,c1.y), vec2( n.y,  n.z ), a);n.y = p.x;n.z = p.y;return n; } 
 vec3  r_z(vec3 n, float a,vec3 c) {  vec3 c1 = vec3( c.x,  c.y,   c.z );vec2 p = rotate_xy(vec2(c1.x,c1.y), vec2( n.x,  n.y ), a);n.x = p.x;n.y = p.y;return n; }
                       vec3 normalMap() { vec4 result = vec4(0.); result = vec4(0.5);; 
                  result = vec4( normalize( nrm -(normalize(result.xyz)*2.0-vec3(1.))*(max(-0.5,min(0.5,0.5)) )),1.0); return result.xyz;}
                       float specularMap() { vec4 result = vec4(0.);float float_result = 0.; float_result = 1.0;; return float_result ;}
void main(void) { 
     int discardState = 0;
     vec4 result = vec4(0.);
     vec3 centeri_2_ = center;
vec3 ppo_2_ = r_z( vec3(vuv.x,vuv.y,0.),0.,centeri_2_);  
 ppo_2_ = r_y( ppo_2_,0.,centeri_2_);  
 ppo_2_ = r_x( ppo_2_,0.,centeri_2_); 
vec3 nrm_2_ = r_z( normalMap(),0.,centeri_2_);  
 nrm_2_ = r_y( nrm_2_,0.,centeri_2_);  
 nrm_2_ = r_x( nrm_2_,0.,centeri_2_);  
                        vec4 color_2_ = texture2D(txtRef_0 ,ppo_2_.xy*vec2(1.,1.)+vec2(0.,0.));
                        if(nrm_2_.z < 1.){ 
                       result = vec4(color_2_.rgb , 1.); 
                       }vec4 resHelp_2_ = result; vec4 result_1 = vec4(0.);
                  result_1 = result;result = resHelp_2_ ;vec3 centeri_3_ = center;
vec3 ppo_3_ = r_z( vec3(vec2(vuv*7.).x,vec2(vuv*7.).y,0.),0.,centeri_3_);  
 ppo_3_ = r_y( ppo_3_,0.,centeri_3_);  
 ppo_3_ = r_x( ppo_3_,0.,centeri_3_); 
vec3 nrm_3_ = r_z( normalMap(),0.,centeri_3_);  
 nrm_3_ = r_y( nrm_3_,0.,centeri_3_);  
 nrm_3_ = r_x( nrm_3_,0.,centeri_3_);  
                        vec4 color_3_ = texture2D(txtRef_1 ,ppo_3_.xy*vec2(1.,1.)+vec2(0.,0.));
                        if(nrm_3_.z < 1.){ 
                       result = vec4(color_3_.rgb , 1.); 
                       }vec4 resHelp_3_ = result; vec4 result_2 = vec4(0.);
                  result_2 = result;result = resHelp_3_ ;vec3 centeri_4_ = center;
vec3 ppo_4_ = r_z( vec3(vec2(vuv*20.).x,vec2(vuv*20.).y,0.),0.,centeri_4_);  
 ppo_4_ = r_y( ppo_4_,0.,centeri_4_);  
 ppo_4_ = r_x( ppo_4_,0.,centeri_4_); 
vec3 nrm_4_ = r_z( normalMap(),0.,centeri_4_);  
 nrm_4_ = r_y( nrm_4_,0.,centeri_4_);  
 nrm_4_ = r_x( nrm_4_,0.,centeri_4_);  
                        vec4 color_4_ = texture2D(txtRef_0 ,ppo_4_.xy*vec2(1.,1.)+vec2(0.,0.));
                        if(nrm_4_.z < 1.){ 
                       result = vec4(color_4_.rgb , 1.); 
                       }vec4 res_5_ = vec4(0.);
res_5_.x =  result.x;
res_5_.y =  result.y;
res_5_.z =  result.z;
res_5_.w =  result.w;
res_5_  =  vec4(result.x*noise(pos*0.08+vec3(0.,time*0.01,0.)),result.x*noise(pos*0.08+vec3(0.,time*0.01,0.)),result.x*noise(pos*0.08+vec3(0.,time*0.01,0.)),result.x*noise(pos*0.08+vec3(0.,time*0.01,0.)));
result = res_5_ ;vec4 resHelp_5_ = result; vec4 result_3 = vec4(0.);
                  result_3 = result;result = resHelp_5_ ;vec3 centeri_6_ = center;
vec3 ppo_6_ = r_z( vec3(vec2(vuv*24.).x,vec2(vuv*24.).y,0.),0.,centeri_6_);  
 ppo_6_ = r_y( ppo_6_,0.,centeri_6_);  
 ppo_6_ = r_x( ppo_6_,0.,centeri_6_); 
vec3 nrm_6_ = r_z( normalMap(),0.,centeri_6_);  
 nrm_6_ = r_y( nrm_6_,0.,centeri_6_);  
 nrm_6_ = r_x( nrm_6_,0.,centeri_6_);  
                        vec4 color_6_ = texture2D(txtRef_1 ,ppo_6_.xy*vec2(1.,1.)+vec2(0.,0.));
                        if(nrm_6_.z < 1.){ 
                       result = vec4(color_6_.rgb , 1.); 
                       }vec4 resHelp_6_ = result; vec4 result_4 = vec4(0.);
                  result_4 = result;result = resHelp_6_ ;vec3 centeri_7_ = center;
vec3 ppo_7_ = r_z( vec3(vec2(vuv*14.).x,vec2(vuv*14.).y,0.),0.,centeri_7_);  
 ppo_7_ = r_y( ppo_7_,0.,centeri_7_);  
 ppo_7_ = r_x( ppo_7_,0.,centeri_7_); 
vec3 nrm_7_ = r_z( normalMap(),0.,centeri_7_);  
 nrm_7_ = r_y( nrm_7_,0.,centeri_7_);  
 nrm_7_ = r_x( nrm_7_,0.,centeri_7_);  
                        vec4 color_7_ = texture2D(txtRef_2 ,ppo_7_.xy*vec2(1.,1.)+vec2(0.,0.));
                        if(nrm_7_.z < 1.){ 
                       result = vec4(color_7_.rgb , 1.); 
                       }vec4 resHelp_7_ = result; vec4 result_5 = vec4(0.);
                  result_5 = result;result = resHelp_7_ ;float c =  abs(noise(pos*0.001));result = vec4( min(1.,c*5.-4.) );vec4 resHelp_8_ = result; vec4 result_6 = vec4(0.);
                  result_6 = result;result = resHelp_8_ ;result = vec4( min(1.,c*5.-3.) );vec4 resHelp_9_ = result; vec4 result_7 = vec4(0.);
                  result_7 = result;result = resHelp_9_ ;result = vec4( min(1.,c*5.-2.) );vec4 resHelp_10_ = result; vec4 result_8 = vec4(0.);
                  result_8 = result;result = resHelp_10_ ;result = vec4( min(1.,c*5.-1.) );vec4 resHelp_11_ = result; vec4 result_9 = vec4(0.);
                  result_9 = result;result = resHelp_11_ ;result = vec4( min(1.,c*5.-0.) );vec4 resHelp_12_ = result; vec4 result_10 = vec4(0.);
                  result_10 = result;result = resHelp_12_ ;vec3 centeri_13_ = center;
vec3 ppo_13_ = r_z( vec3(vuv.x,vuv.y,0.),0.,centeri_13_);  
 ppo_13_ = r_y( ppo_13_,0.,centeri_13_);  
 ppo_13_ = r_x( ppo_13_,0.,centeri_13_); 
vec3 nrm_13_ = r_z( normalMap(),0.,centeri_13_);  
 nrm_13_ = r_y( nrm_13_,0.,centeri_13_);  
 nrm_13_ = r_x( nrm_13_,0.,centeri_13_);  
                        vec4 color_13_ = texture2D(txtRef_0 ,ppo_13_.xy*vec2(1.,1.)+vec2(0.,0.));
                        if(nrm_13_.z < 1.){ 
                       result = vec4(color_13_.rgb , 1.); 
                       } if( ((result_6.x*1.-0.)>1.0 ? 0. : max(0.,(result_6.x*1.-0.))) < 0.5 - -0.48  && ((result_6.y*1.-0.)>1.0 ? 0. : max(0.,(result_6.y*1.-0.))) < 0.5 - -0.48  && ((result_6.z*1.-0.)>1.0 ? 0. : max(0.,(result_6.z*1.-0.))) < 0.5 - -0.48  ) { vec4 oldrs_14_ = vec4(result);float al_14_ = max(0.0,min(1.0,1.0-(((result_6.x*1.-0.)>1.0 ? 0. : max(0.,(result_6.x*1.-0.))) + ((result_6.y*1.-0.)>1.0 ? 0. : max(0.,(result_6.y*1.-0.))) + ((result_6.z*1.-0.)>1.0 ? 0. : max(0.,(result_6.z*1.-0.))))/3.0+(0.))); float  l_14_ =  1.0-al_14_;  result = result_1; result = result*al_14_ +  oldrs_14_ * l_14_;    } if( ((result_7.x*1.-0.)>1.0 ? 0. : max(0.,(result_7.x*1.-0.))) < 0.5 - -0.48  && ((result_7.y*1.-0.)>1.0 ? 0. : max(0.,(result_7.y*1.-0.))) < 0.5 - -0.48  && ((result_7.z*1.-0.)>1.0 ? 0. : max(0.,(result_7.z*1.-0.))) < 0.5 - -0.48  ) { vec4 oldrs_15_ = vec4(result);float al_15_ = max(0.0,min(1.0,1.0-(((result_7.x*1.-0.)>1.0 ? 0. : max(0.,(result_7.x*1.-0.))) + ((result_7.y*1.-0.)>1.0 ? 0. : max(0.,(result_7.y*1.-0.))) + ((result_7.z*1.-0.)>1.0 ? 0. : max(0.,(result_7.z*1.-0.))))/3.0+(0.))); float  l_15_ =  1.0-al_15_;  result = result_2; result = result*al_15_ +  oldrs_15_ * l_15_;    } if( ((result_8.x*1.-0.)>1.0 ? 0. : max(0.,(result_8.x*1.-0.))) < 0.5 - -0.48  && ((result_8.y*1.-0.)>1.0 ? 0. : max(0.,(result_8.y*1.-0.))) < 0.5 - -0.48  && ((result_8.z*1.-0.)>1.0 ? 0. : max(0.,(result_8.z*1.-0.))) < 0.5 - -0.48  ) { vec4 oldrs_16_ = vec4(result);float al_16_ = max(0.0,min(1.0,1.0-(((result_8.x*1.-0.)>1.0 ? 0. : max(0.,(result_8.x*1.-0.))) + ((result_8.y*1.-0.)>1.0 ? 0. : max(0.,(result_8.y*1.-0.))) + ((result_8.z*1.-0.)>1.0 ? 0. : max(0.,(result_8.z*1.-0.))))/3.0+(0.))); float  l_16_ =  1.0-al_16_;  result = result_3; result = result*al_16_ +  oldrs_16_ * l_16_;    } if( ((result_9.x*1.-0.)>1.0 ? 0. : max(0.,(result_9.x*1.-0.))) < 0.5 - -0.48  && ((result_9.y*1.-0.)>1.0 ? 0. : max(0.,(result_9.y*1.-0.))) < 0.5 - -0.48  && ((result_9.z*1.-0.)>1.0 ? 0. : max(0.,(result_9.z*1.-0.))) < 0.5 - -0.48  ) { vec4 oldrs_17_ = vec4(result);float al_17_ = max(0.0,min(1.0,1.0-(((result_9.x*1.-0.)>1.0 ? 0. : max(0.,(result_9.x*1.-0.))) + ((result_9.y*1.-0.)>1.0 ? 0. : max(0.,(result_9.y*1.-0.))) + ((result_9.z*1.-0.)>1.0 ? 0. : max(0.,(result_9.z*1.-0.))))/3.0+(0.))); float  l_17_ =  1.0-al_17_;  result = result_4; result = result*al_17_ +  oldrs_17_ * l_17_;    } if( ((result_10.x*1.-0.)>1.0 ? 0. : max(0.,(result_10.x*1.-0.))) < 0.5 - -0.48  && ((result_10.y*1.-0.)>1.0 ? 0. : max(0.,(result_10.y*1.-0.))) < 0.5 - -0.48  && ((result_10.z*1.-0.)>1.0 ? 0. : max(0.,(result_10.z*1.-0.))) < 0.5 - -0.48  ) { vec4 oldrs_18_ = vec4(result);float al_18_ = max(0.0,min(1.0,1.0-(((result_10.x*1.-0.)>1.0 ? 0. : max(0.,(result_10.x*1.-0.))) + ((result_10.y*1.-0.)>1.0 ? 0. : max(0.,(result_10.y*1.-0.))) + ((result_10.z*1.-0.)>1.0 ? 0. : max(0.,(result_10.z*1.-0.))))/3.0+(0.))); float  l_18_ =  1.0-al_18_;  result = result_5; result = result*al_18_ +  oldrs_18_ * l_18_;    } 
     if(discardState == 0)gl_FragColor = result; 


precision highp float;
                       attribute vec3 position;
                       attribute vec3 normal;
                       attribute vec2 uv;
                       varying vec2 vuv;
                       varying vec3 pos;
                       varying vec3 nrm;
                       uniform   mat4 worldViewProjection;
                       uniform  vec3 center;
                       uniform  vec3 camera;
                       uniform  float time;
                       vec3 random3(vec3 c) {   float j = 4096.0*sin(dot(c,vec3(17.0, 59.4, 15.0)));   vec3 r;   r.z = fract(512.0*j); j *= .125;  r.x = fract(512.0*j); j *= .125; r.y = fract(512.0*j);  return r-0.5;  } 
                       float rand(vec2 co){   return fract(sin(dot(co.xy ,vec2(12.9898,78.233))) * 43758.5453); } 
                       const float F3 =  0.3333333;const float G3 =  0.1666667;
                       float simplex3d(vec3 p) {   vec3 s = floor(p + dot(p, vec3(F3)));   vec3 x = p - s + dot(s, vec3(G3));  vec3 e = step(vec3(0.0), x - x.yzx);  vec3 i1 = e*(1.0 - e.zxy);  vec3 i2 = 1.0 - e.zxy*(1.0 - e);   vec3 x1 = x - i1 + G3;   vec3 x2 = x - i2 + 2.0*G3;   vec3 x3 = x - 1.0 + 3.0*G3;   vec4 w, d;    w.x = dot(x, x);   w.y = dot(x1, x1);  w.z = dot(x2, x2);  w.w = dot(x3, x3);   w = max(0.6 - w, 0.0);   d.x = dot(random3(s), x);   d.y = dot(random3(s + i1), x1);   d.z = dot(random3(s + i2), x2);  d.w = dot(random3(s + 1.0), x3);  w *= w;   w *= w;  d *= w;   return dot(d, vec4(52.0));     }  
                       float noise(vec3 m) {  return   0.5333333*simplex3d(m)   +0.2666667*simplex3d(2.0*m) +0.1333333*simplex3d(4.0*m) +0.0666667*simplex3d(8.0*m);   } 
                       float dim(vec3 p1 , vec3 p2){   return sqrt((p2.x-p1.x)*(p2.x-p1.x)+(p2.y-p1.y)*(p2.y-p1.y)+(p2.z-p1.z)*(p2.z-p1.z)); }
                       vec2  rotate_xy(vec2 pr1,vec2  pr2,float alpha) {vec2 pp2 = vec2( pr2.x - pr1.x,   pr2.y - pr1.y );return  vec2( pr1.x + pp2.x * cos(alpha*3.14159265/180.) - pp2.y * sin(alpha*3.14159265/180.),pr1.y + pp2.x * sin(alpha*3.14159265/180.) + pp2.y * cos(alpha*3.14159265/180.));} 
 vec3  r_y(vec3 n, float a,vec3 c) {vec3 c1 = vec3( c.x,  c.y,   c.z );c1.x = c1.x;c1.y = c1.z;vec2 p = rotate_xy(vec2(c1.x,c1.y), vec2( n.x,  n.z ), a);n.x = p.x;n.z = p.y;return n; } 
 vec3  r_x(vec3 n, float a,vec3 c) {vec3 c1 = vec3( c.x,  c.y,   c.z );c1.x = c1.y;c1.y = c1.z;vec2 p = rotate_xy(vec2(c1.x,c1.y), vec2( n.y,  n.z ), a);n.y = p.x;n.z = p.y;return n; } 
 vec3  r_z(vec3 n, float a,vec3 c) {  vec3 c1 = vec3( c.x,  c.y,   c.z );vec2 p = rotate_xy(vec2(c1.x,c1.y), vec2( n.x,  n.y ), a);n.x = p.x;n.y = p.y;return n; }
                       void main(void) { 
    pos = position; 
    nrm = normal; 
    vec4 result = vec4(pos,1.);  
      vuv = uv;
    gl_Position = worldViewProjection * result;




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Hi @NasimiAsl

Awesome, your guidance has been A++++.  I need a few days to go over the content you provided and get my head into the domain of shader code, but this looks pretty amazing. 

A question I was going to ask was how do I make the texture transition regions (joins) appear non straight (i.e. random / more natural).  However, looking at some of the posts above I can see similar effects to what I am wanting have been illustrated.  So once again I just need some time to digest what has been said.

Thank you for your help on this topic, you have been a great help!

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My "dream" multi-material shader would be:

- 4 or 16 full PBR Materials (with all settings and parameters, lights and shadows, parallax occlusion and ambient lighting, fog etc. )
- Blended by a 16 color SplatMap, weighted by displacement (for example pebbles come out of the grass first, sand coming out of the water etc.)
- PBR could use albedo + RAD maps (Roughness, Ambient, Displacement compressed into) for less memory, with optional metallic 8 bit texture.

Now that is just a dream. i know it's wishful thinking.

I already found 3 different approaches
- @NasimiAsl 's ShaderBuilder, it is so universal, but it would be very hard to replicate a PBR material with it I think. If only, a ShaderBuilder "plugged into" a PBR or Standard material, into vertex and fragment shaders, to generate and mix and distort textures or vertexes)
- @MackeyK24 's SplatMap from Unity exporter, I don't know if it would be usable outside of Unity, I think not. But, it is closer than terrainMaterial.
- and terrainMaterial, which works well, but only uses diffuse and normal maps, but nothing else, and does not support ambientColor. So not even on StandardMaterial's level.

I bump into difficulties like
"How do I tweak the StandardMateral with a vertex shader, that distorts vegetation vith a noise? (wind on leaves)?"
"How do I make a terrain material with all that PBR can give? And also a StandardMaterial version for low quality version?"
"How do I make parallax corrected cubemap reflection on the terrain, or on watery surface?"
"How could I define different texture input / material input connections, like normal map in RG channels and displacement in B (no need for a "third" normal map component, but .jpg cannot store alpha maps). or with only one albedo and one RAD map, I could make many fully PBR materials, instead of wasting texture memory with using RGBA texture for a 8 bit ambient texture..."

Sorry for being too long. A bit too much. But much of my problems have the same root!
I would like to use PBR and Standard materials, but I need "tweeks." like vertex noise or texture movement, or need some mixing/remapping of input textures.

Maybe the road to take is just rewriting the PBR material for supporting all that I want in my fork of babylon, but it seems others have similar problems too.


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