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A few more questions about Phaser


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I almost finished my first Phaser game!  Below are my questions.


1) How can I change the volume of one sound in my game? And what about all sounds? Something like

- var hit = game.add.audio('hit');

- hit.volume = 0.5;


2) How can I change the font size of a text? Because changing fontSize: '32px' doesn't seems to work.

- game.add.text(w/2, h-35, 'this is a test', { fontSize: '18px', fill: '#fff', align: 'center' });


3) When I do a game.state.start('GameOver'), should I clean all my variables to free memory? If so, is there a function automatically called before switching states?


4) I know about tween().to(), but isn't there something like tween().by()? This would be super handy to move a character by 100px, instead of moving him to character.x + 100px.


Thanks! :-)

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1) I haven't messed with volume on sounds yet, but both the Phaser.Sound and Phaser.SoundManager classes have a volume property.


2) See here for the available font properties:


There is no fontSize property, you include that in the font property. eg: 18px Arial


3) Probably a good idea. A state object has it's create function called when switching to it, and if an existing state was there, the existing state has its shutdown function called.


4) Nope.

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Thanks a lot! A few comments:


1) Yes I've seen that, but I don't know how to make it work :-/


2) Perfect, it works! But it seems the fonts are somewhat blurry. Is this normal? What I'm doing: game.add.text(w/2, h/2, 'blurry text', { font: "18px Arial", fill: '#fff' });

3) shutdown works perfectly!
4) Ok, maybe in v1.2 then ^^
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4) I know about tween().to(), but isn't there something like tween().by()? This would be super handy to move a character by 100px, instead of moving him to character.x + 100px.


You can do this:

tween(sprite).to( { x: '+100' });

It will recognise +100 is a string and add 100px to the sprites current x position when the tween starts. Minus values work the same too.

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You can do this:

tween(sprite).to( { x: '+100' });

It will recognise +100 is a string and add 100px to the sprites current x position when the tween starts. Minus values work the same too.


Super nice, thanks!



I still don't know how to change the volume of sounds in the game (either a specific sound, or for all of them). Can anyone help me on this?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi all, I have also some questions about Phaser, dunno need to create a new topic for that or no, but will ask here:
1) first two parameters don't work in tilemapLayer function
x - X position of the new tilemapLayer.
y - Y position of the new tilemapLayer.
layer = game.add.tilemapLayer(0, 0, 800, 600, tileset, map, 0);
I use that example:
layer = game.add.tilemapLayer(50, 50, 800, 600, tileset, map, 0);
and I don't see any changes. I just want to move the tilemapLayer to x = 50; y = 50.


layer.x = 50;layer.y = 50;
don't work for me :) let me know please what need to do.
2) Rich said, "In 1.1.4 I've added the ability to render multiple layers to a single canvas, but that won't be ready until end of this month."
does anyone know is this available or not now? I mean of course dev-branch version of Phaser.
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about the 1st of my item - I found a temporary solution via group.


if you want to move your tilemapLayer - you can just place him into the group and move it.

var screen = game.add.group();layer = screen.add(game.add.tilemapLayer(0, 0, 800, 600, tileset, map, 0));screen.x = 50;screen.y = 50;
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