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Redundant Playground

Richard C

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Like many others, I find the Playground an invaluable tool for building code. Everytime a PG is saved it obviously creates a new instance of that PG. This means that after a while I have created a number of PGs that are usurped by the next as the project advances that I assume add to the PG database unnecessarily.

Is there (or should there be) a process for deleting those redundant PGs. 


Richard C

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Indeed like you, I have created a number of playgrounds each being built on a previous one and agree it would be useful to be able to delete the older versions.

In prActice I now tend to develop locally and transfer to a playground when I think I have finished. However there are still times when I find I need to develop the ones I think I have completed.

The problem is that as I have no ownership of my playgrounds I have no way of deleting the reduntant copies. Only if I had to log in before using the playground could ownership be mantained. This I think would stop even more people from giving examples to use in this forum when they are very useful to help people.

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I've seen some online tools that just give you a "master key" of sorts whenever you create a new thing, which i think is quite a nice way to give you "optional ownership". Ownership that you canignore, or give out to specific people or just share with everyone, however you see fit. So i think it would be possible to do something like that without requiring account / logging in. I mean the key would log you in, but you know... :)

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i working new version of playground (upgrade that)

upload texture and file

can save it like template

can save it like sample with tags and owner name ...

fix some scale resolution problem  and optimizing

indexed by special seo support Url for each sample

shader management editor

and 2 GB for each user  (private samples and public samples )

i do 80% of that and work on  last 20% estimation time 1 mouth

but i think the old version is valuable tools need say thanks for anyone make (or update ) that 

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