B3L7 Posted January 19, 2017 Share Posted January 19, 2017 Hello All, I apologize in advance for the wall of code. Also, thanks in advance to anyone who is willing to take a crack at this. I'm having a very specific issue which I am guessing is an issue with my implementation and not the library. I am using Phaser Editor with Phaser CE as my framework. Last week I began working in prefabs into my game using extended sprites as per this example. The prefabs are separate scripts which are included in index.html. Everything has worked well except for a peculiar bug which is that when my player prefab overlaps a group which is being checked by arcade.overlap the player's body.touching is flagged as true. Because a check for touching.down is the prerequisite for jumping it means my player can effectively fly whenever overlapping. Collision appears to be working as expected and I can even use collision callbacks. The same groups that cause issues do not flag body.touching if they are not being checked for overlap. I believe the issues is because the groups are created by the editor and that the player prefab as a separate .js file does not have a handle on them but I'm not sure. I guess I have gotten myself in over my head with this approach but I feel like I am so close to getting it I am really hesitant to start over with a more monolithic approach. Here is the code for the level state which calls the script generated by the editor and the player prefab. Hope this all makes sense. Level State /** * level state. */ function Level() { Phaser.State.call(this); // TODO: generated method. } /** @type Phaser.State */ var proto = Object.create(Phaser.State.prototype); Level.prototype = proto; Level.prototype.constructor = Level; Level.prototype.init = function() { this.physics.startSystem(Phaser.Physics.ARCADE); this.world.resize(2000, 500); this.world.setBounds(0, 0, 2000, 500); this.physics.arcade.gravity.y = 800; }; Level.prototype.preload = function() { this.load.pack("levels", "assets/assets-pack.json"); this.game.load.atlas('HUD', 'assets/atlas/HUD.png', 'assets/atlas/HUD.json', Phaser.Loader.TEXTURE_ATLAS_JSON_HASH); }; Level.prototype.create = function() { this.game.renderer.setTexturePriority(['Forest_BG', 'Forest_Tiles', 'forestStage', 'characters', 'objects', 'HUD']); this.scene = new level1(this.game); this.scene.coordTimer = 0; this.scene.fTokens.forEach(this.convert, this); this.game.camera.follow(this.scene.player, Phaser.Camera.FOLLOW_PLATFORMER); //HUD this.scene.XP = new xp(this.game, 6, 6); this.game.add.existing(this.scene.XP); this.scene.fHUD.add(this.scene.XP); this.scene.XP.fixedToCamera = true;this.scene.XP.cameraOffset.setTo(6, 6); this.scene.HUDBase = this.game.add.sprite(2, 2, 'HUD', 'base'); this.scene.fHUD.add(this.scene.HUDBase); this.scene.HUDBase.fixedToCamera = true;this.scene.HUDBase.cameraOffset.setTo(2, 2); this.scene.healthBar = new healthBar(this.game, 39, 6); this.game.add.existing(this.scene.healthBar); this.scene.fHUD.add(this.scene.healthBar); this.scene.healthBar.fixedToCamera = true;this.scene.healthBar.cameraOffset.setTo(39, 6); this.scene.energyBar = new energyBar(this.game, 39, 16); this.game.add.existing(this.scene.energyBar); this.scene.fHUD.add(this.scene.energyBar); this.scene.energyBar.fixedToCamera = true;this.scene.energyBar.cameraOffset.setTo(39, 16); this.scene.magicBar = new magicBar(this.game, 39, 26); this.game.add.existing(this.scene.magicBar); this.scene.fHUD.add(this.scene.magicBar); this.scene.magicBar.fixedToCamera = true;this.scene.magicBar.cameraOffset.setTo(39, 26); // set the physics properties of the normal collision sprites this.scene.fCollisionLayer.setAll("body.immovable", true); this.scene.fCollisionLayer.setAll("body.allowGravity", false); // hide all objects of the normal collision layer this.scene.fCollisionLayer.setAll("renderable", false); // set the physics properties of the oneWay collision sprites this.scene.fOneWay.setAll("body.immovable", true); this.scene.fOneWay.setAll("body.allowGravity", false); // hide all objects of the oneWay collision layer this.scene.fOneWay.setAll("renderable", false); // disable all but top down collision this.scene.fOneWay.setAll("body.checkCollision.down", false); this.scene.fOneWay.setAll("body.checkCollision.left", false); this.scene.fOneWay.setAll("body.checkCollision.right", false); // set the physics properties of cliff this.scene.fCliff.setAll("body.immovable", true); this.scene.fCliff.setAll("body.allowGravity", false); // hide all objects of cliff this.scene.fCliff.setAll("renderable", false); // set the physics properties of waterLayer this.scene.fWaterLayer.setAll("body.immovable", true); this.scene.fWaterLayer.setAll("body.allowGravity", false); // hide all objects of cliff this.scene.fWaterLayer.setAll("renderable", false); // set the physics properties of airLayer this.scene.fAirLayer.setAll("body.immovable", true); this.scene.fAirLayer.setAll("body.allowGravity", false); // hide all objects of cliff this.scene.fAirLayer.setAll("renderable", false); this.scene.fTokens.setAll("renderable", false); this.scene.fPickups.setAll("body.allowGravity", false); //Water Effects if (this.scene.waterPresent) { this.add.tween(this.scene.fWater).to({ x : this.scene.fWater.x + 32 }, 2000, "Linear", true, 0, -1, true); var delay = 0; for (var i = 0; i < 60; i++) { var bbls = this.game.add.sprite(-100 + (this.game.world.randomX), this.scene.stageBottom, 'Forest_Tiles', 'bubble.png'); bbls.scale.set(this.game.rnd.realInRange(0.1, 1.5)); var speed = this.game.rnd.between(2000, 4000); this.game.add.tween(bbls).to({ y: this.scene.waterLevel }, speed, Phaser.Easing.Sinusoidal.InOut, true, delay, 1000, false).onComplete.add(bbls.kill, bbls); delay += 200; } } }; Level.prototype.update = function() { this.scene.fBgNear.x= this.game.camera.x*0.4; this.scene.fBgFar.x= this.game.camera.x*0.6; this.physics.arcade.collide(this.scene.player, this.scene.fCollisionLayer); this.physics.arcade.collide(this.scene.player, this.scene.fOneWay); //if (this.physics.arcade.collide(this.scene.player, this.scene.fOneWay)) this.physics.arcade.collide(this.scene.fEnemies, this.scene.fCollisionLayer); this.physics.arcade.collide(this.scene.fEnemies, this.scene.fOneWay); this.game.physics.arcade.collide(this.scene.player, this.scene.fEnemies, this.collisionCallback, this.enemyCollide, this); this.game.physics.arcade.collide(this.scene.fCliff, this.scene.fEnemies, this.collisionCallback, this.enemyCliff, this); this.physics.arcade.overlap(this.scene.player, this.scene.fPickups, this.pickup, null, this); this.physics.arcade.overlap(this.scene.player.attack, this.scene.fEnemies, this.enemyHit, null, this); this.physics.arcade.overlap(this.scene.fObjects, this.scene.fWaterLayer, this.underWater, null, this); //this.physics.arcade.overlap(this.scene.fObjects, this.scene.fAirLayer, //this.aboveWater, null, this); if (this.game.time.now > this.scene.coordTimer) { this.game.lPlayerX = this.scene.player.x; this.game.lPlayerY = this.scene.player.y; this.scene.coordTimer = this.game.time.now + 200; } }; Level.prototype.convert = function(sprite) { this.scene.pF = {}; var data = sprite.data; var x = sprite.x; var y = sprite.y; var prefab = data.prefab; if (prefab === Player) { this.scene.player = new prefab(this.game, x, y); this.game.add.existing(this.scene.player); this.scene.fPlayers.add(this.scene.player); } else { this.scene.pF[prefab + x + y] = new prefab(this.game, x, y); this.game.add.existing(this.scene.pF[prefab + x + y]); if (data.group === 'pickups') { this.scene.fPickups.add(this.scene.pF[prefab + x + y]); } else if (data.group === 'enemies') { this.scene.fEnemies.add(this.scene.pF[prefab + x + y]); } else { this.scene.fObjects.add(this.scene.pF[prefab + x + y]); } } }; Level.prototype.pickup = function(player, pickup) { pickup.body.enable = false; pickup.effect(); this.add.tween(pickup).to({ y : pickup.y - 16 }, 1000, "Expo.easeOut", true); this.add.tween(pickup.scale).to({ x : 1.25, y : 1.25 }, 1000, "Linear", true); this.add.tween(pickup).to({ alpha : 0.2 }, 1000, "Linear", true).onComplete.add(pickup.kill, pickup); }; Level.prototype.enemyCollide = function(player, enemy){ player.hurt(enemy.attack); return true; }; Level.prototype.enemyCliff = function(cliff, enemy){ enemy.cliff(); }; Level.prototype.enemyHit = function(weapon, enemy){ enemy.hurt(weapon.attack); }; Level.prototype.underWater = function(object, water){ object.tint = 0x5fcde4; }; Level.prototype.aboveWater = function(object, water){ object.tint = 0xffffff; }; Level 1 Scene (Generated by Phaser Editor) // Generated by Phaser Editor v1.2.1 /** * level1. * @param {Phaser.Game} aGame The game. * @param {Phaser.Group} aParent The parent group. If not given the game world will be used instead. */ function level1(aGame, aParent) { Phaser.Group.call(this, aGame, aParent); /* --- pre-init-begin --- */ // you can insert code here /* --- pre-init-end --- */ var bgFar = this.game.add.group(this); this.game.add.sprite(0, 0, 'Forest_BG', 'bg1_far', bgFar); this.game.add.sprite(528, 0, 'Forest_BG', 'bg1_far', bgFar); this.game.add.sprite(1056, 0, 'Forest_BG', 'bg1_far', bgFar); this.game.add.sprite(1584, 0, 'Forest_BG', 'bg1_far', bgFar); var bgNear = this.game.add.group(this); this.game.add.sprite(0, 0, 'Forest_BG', 'bg1_near', bgNear); this.game.add.sprite(528, 0, 'Forest_BG', 'bg1_near', bgNear); this.game.add.sprite(1056, 0, 'Forest_BG', 'bg1_near', bgNear); this.game.add.sprite(1584, 0, 'Forest_BG', 'bg1_near', bgNear); var airLayer = this.game.add.physicsGroup(Phaser.Physics.ARCADE, this); this.game.add.tileSprite(0, 0, 2208, 272, 'Forest_Tiles', 'air.png', airLayer); this.game.add.sprite(0, 0, 'forestStage', 'level1_stage', this); var water = this.game.add.group(this); this.game.add.sprite(1824, 288, 'forestStage', 'waterTile', water); this.game.add.sprite(1360, 288, 'forestStage', 'waterTile', water); this.game.add.sprite(896, 288, 'forestStage', 'waterTile', water); this.game.add.sprite(432, 288, 'forestStage', 'waterTile', water); this.game.add.sprite(-32, 288, 'forestStage', 'waterTile', water); var waterLayer = this.game.add.physicsGroup(Phaser.Physics.ARCADE, this); this.game.add.tileSprite(-31, 296, 2237, 198, 'Forest_Tiles', 'liquid.png', waterLayer); var obstacles = this.game.add.group(this); this.game.add.sprite(167, 230, 'Forest_Tiles', 'box.png', obstacles); this.game.add.sprite(167, 242, 'Forest_Tiles', 'box.png', obstacles); this.game.add.sprite(156, 242, 'Forest_Tiles', 'box.png', obstacles); var oneWay = this.game.add.physicsGroup(Phaser.Physics.ARCADE, this); this.game.add.sprite(431, 90, 'Forest_Tiles', 'one-way.png', oneWay); this.game.add.tileSprite(392, 87, 64, 16, 'Forest_Tiles', 'one-way.png', oneWay); this.game.add.tileSprite(375, 102, 66, 34, 'Forest_Tiles', 'one-way.png', oneWay); this.game.add.tileSprite(343, 184, 33, 16, 'Forest_Tiles', 'one-way.png', oneWay); this.game.add.tileSprite(280, 200, 82, 16, 'Forest_Tiles', 'one-way.png', oneWay); this.game.add.tileSprite(70, 150, 38, 16, 'Forest_Tiles', 'one-way.png', oneWay); this.game.add.tileSprite(97, 118, 24, 36, 'Forest_Tiles', 'one-way.png', oneWay); this.game.add.tileSprite(56, 103, 49, 51, 'Forest_Tiles', 'one-way.png', oneWay); this.game.add.sprite(152, 119, 'Forest_Tiles', 'one-way.png', oneWay); this.game.add.tileSprite(183, 165, 17, 40, 'Forest_Tiles', 'one-way.png', oneWay); this.game.add.tileSprite(165, 200, 36, 16, 'Forest_Tiles', 'one-way.png', oneWay); this.game.add.tileSprite(352, 256, 224, 16, 'Forest_Tiles', 'one-way.png', oneWay); this.game.add.tileSprite(158, 244, 23, 12, 'Forest_Tiles', 'one-way.png', oneWay); this.game.add.tileSprite(169, 232, 12, 24, 'Forest_Tiles', 'one-way.png', oneWay); this.game.add.tileSprite(16, 256, 176, 16, 'Forest_Tiles', 'one-way.png', oneWay); this.game.add.tileSprite(768, 272, 64, 16, 'Forest_Tiles', 'one-way.png', oneWay); this.game.add.tileSprite(912, 160, 272, 16, 'Forest_Tiles', 'one-way.png', oneWay); this.game.add.tileSprite(762, 216, 29, 16, 'Forest_Tiles', 'one-way.png', oneWay); this.game.add.tileSprite(821, 167, 36, 16, 'Forest_Tiles', 'one-way.png', oneWay); this.game.add.sprite(791, 136, 'Forest_Tiles', 'one-way.png', oneWay); this.game.add.tileSprite(624, 272, 64, 16, 'Forest_Tiles', 'one-way.png', oneWay); var objects = this.game.add.group(this); var players = this.game.add.group(objects); var enemies = this.game.add.group(objects); var pickups = this.game.add.physicsGroup(Phaser.Physics.ARCADE, objects); var tokens = this.game.add.group(this); var coin1 = this.game.add.sprite(96, 224, 'objects', 'coin11', tokens); coin1.data = { prefab: Coin1, group : 'pickups' }; var snakeGreen0 = this.game.add.sprite(131, 224, 'characters', 'snakeGreen0', tokens); snakeGreen0.data = { prefab : greenSnake, group : 'enemies' }; var hPotion10 = this.game.add.sprite(301, 169, 'objects', 'hPotion10', tokens); hPotion10.data = { prefab : hPotion, group : 'pickups' }; var hPotion101 = this.game.add.sprite(187, 137, 'objects', 'hPotion10', tokens); hPotion101.data = { prefab : hPotion, group : 'pickups' }; var hPotion102 = this.game.add.sprite(442, 239, 'objects', 'hPotion10', tokens); hPotion102.data = { prefab : hPotion, group : 'pickups' }; var snakeGreen01 = this.game.add.sprite(474, 224, 'characters', 'snakeGreen0', tokens); snakeGreen01.data = { prefab : greenSnake, group : 'enemies' }; var snakeGreen011 = this.game.add.sprite(514, 223, 'characters', 'snakeGreen0', tokens); snakeGreen011.data = { prefab : greenSnake, group : 'enemies' }; var snakeGreen012 = this.game.add.sprite(376, 223, 'characters', 'snakeGreen0', tokens); snakeGreen012.data = { prefab : greenSnake, group : 'enemies' }; var hPotion1021 = this.game.add.sprite(624, 256, 'objects', 'hPotion10', tokens); hPotion1021.data = { prefab : hPotion, group : 'pickups' }; var player = this.game.add.sprite(32, 224, 'characters', 'gunther0', tokens); player.data = { prefab : Player }; var snakeGreen013 = this.game.add.sprite(656, 240, 'characters', 'snakeGreen0', tokens); snakeGreen013.data = { prefab : greenSnake, group : 'enemies' }; var snakeGreen0131 = this.game.add.sprite(768, 240, 'characters', 'snakeGreen0', tokens); snakeGreen0131.data = { prefab : greenSnake, group : 'enemies' }; var snakeGreen01311 = this.game.add.sprite(928, 128, 'characters', 'snakeGreen0', tokens); snakeGreen01311.data = { prefab : greenSnake, group : 'enemies' }; var snakeGreen01312 = this.game.add.sprite(1056, 128, 'characters', 'snakeGreen0', tokens); snakeGreen01312.data = { prefab : greenSnake, group : 'enemies' }; var hPotion10211 = this.game.add.sprite(1040, 144, 'objects', 'hPotion10', tokens); hPotion10211.data = { prefab : hPotion, group : 'pickups' }; var collisionLayer = this.game.add.physicsGroup(Phaser.Physics.ARCADE, this); this.game.add.tileSprite(0, -16, 16, 496, 'Forest_Tiles', 'collision.png', collisionLayer); this.game.add.tileSprite(0, 480, 2000, 16, 'Forest_Tiles', 'collision.png', collisionLayer); var cliff = this.game.add.physicsGroup(Phaser.Physics.ARCADE, this); this.game.add.tileSprite(576, 240, 2, 16, 'Forest_Tiles', 'cliff.png', cliff); this.game.add.tileSprite(352, 240, 2, 16, 'Forest_Tiles', 'cliff.png', cliff); this.game.add.tileSprite(192, 240, 1, 16, 'Forest_Tiles', 'cliff.png', cliff); this.game.add.tileSprite(622, 256, 2, 16, 'Forest_Tiles', 'cliff.png', cliff); this.game.add.tileSprite(768, 256, 3, 16, 'Forest_Tiles', 'cliff.png', cliff); this.game.add.tileSprite(830, 256, 2, 16, 'Forest_Tiles', 'cliff.png', cliff); this.game.add.tileSprite(910, 144, 3, 16, 'Forest_Tiles', 'cliff.png', cliff); this.game.add.tileSprite(1183, 144, 3, 16, 'Forest_Tiles', 'cliff.png', cliff); this.game.add.tileSprite(685, 256, 2, 16, 'Forest_Tiles', 'cliff.png', cliff); this.game.add.sprite(0, 0, 'forestStage', 'level1_foreground', this); var HUD = this.game.add.group(this); // public fields this.fBgFar = bgFar; this.fBgNear = bgNear; this.fAirLayer = airLayer; this.fWater = water; this.fWaterLayer = waterLayer; this.fObstacles = obstacles; this.fOneWay = oneWay; this.fObjects = objects; this.fPlayers = players; this.fEnemies = enemies; this.fPickups = pickups; this.fTokens = tokens; this.fCollisionLayer = collisionLayer; this.fCliff = cliff; this.fHUD = HUD; /* --- post-init-begin --- */ //Level Paramaters this.waterPresent = true; this.waterLevel = 296; this.stageBottom = 480; /* --- post-init-end --- */ } /** @type Phaser.Group */ var level1_proto = Object.create(Phaser.Group.prototype); level1.prototype = level1_proto; level1.prototype.constructor = Phaser.Group; /* --- end generated code --- */ Player Prefab Player = function (game, x, y) { "use strict"; Phaser.Sprite.call(this, game, x, y, 'characters', 'gunther0'); this.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.0); this.animations.add('walk', ['gunther0', 'gunther1', 'gunther2', 'gunther3'], 4, true); this.animations.add('jump', ['gunther4', 'gunther5', 'gunther6', 'gunther7'], 4, true); this.animations.add('attack', ['gunther11', 'gunther10', 'gunther11', 'gunther12'], 12, false); this.animations.add('idle', ['gunther0'], 1, true); this.game.physics.arcade.enableBody(this); this.body.setSize(16.818477630615234, 22.794174194335938, 7.9137725830078125, 8.075286865234375); this.body.drag.x = 300; this.body.bounce.set(0.2); this.attack = 0; this.attacking = false; this.attacanim = false; this.touching = false; this.underwater = false; this.invulnerable = false; this.cursors = this.game.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys(); this.game.input.keyboard.addKeyCapture([ Phaser.Keyboard.SHIFT ]); this.game.input.keyboard.addKeyCapture([ Phaser.Keyboard.SPACEBAR ]); }; Player.prototype = Object.create(Phaser.Sprite.prototype); Player.prototype.constructor = Player; /** * Automatically called by World.update */ Player.prototype.update = function() { "use strict"; var expend = 0; if (this.game.curEnergy > this.game.maxEnergy) { this.game.curEnergy = this.game.maxEnergy; } else if (this.game.curEnergy < 0) { this.game.curEnergy = 0; } if (this.game.curHealth > this.game.maxHealth) { this.game.curHealth = this.game.maxHealth; } else if (this.game.curHealth < 0) { this.game.curHealth = 0; } if (this.game.curMana > this.game.maxMana) { this.game.curMana = this.game.maxMana; } else if (this.game.curMana < 0) { this.game.curMana = 0; } if (this.game.input.keyboard.isDown(Phaser.Keyboard.SPACEBAR) && this.attacking === false) { this.attacanim = true; this.weapon = new steelSword (this.game, this.x, this.y); this.game.add.existing(this.weapon); this.attack = this.game.add.group(); this.attack.add(this.weapon); if (this.scale.x === -1) { this.weapon.scale.x = -1; } else if (this.scale.x === 1) { this.weapon.scale.x = 1; } this.attacking = true; this.game.time.events.add(Phaser.Timer.SECOND * .08, this.attacktime, this); } else if (!this.game.input.keyboard.isDown(Phaser.Keyboard.SPACEBAR)) { this.attacking = false; } //CONTROLS //shift key for running and leaping if (this.game.input.keyboard.isDown(Phaser.Keyboard.SHIFT) && (this.game.curEnergy > 0)) { this.game.curEnergy -= .5; //this.scene.EnergyText.setText('Energy: ' + ENERGY); expend = this.game.effort; } else { //ENERGY += .2; //this.scene.EnergyText.setText('Energy: ' + ENERGY); expend = 0; } if (this.game.input.keyboard.isDown(Phaser.Keyboard.SHIFT)) { // Nothing } else { this.game.curEnergy += .2; } if (this.cursors.left.isDown) { // move to the left this.body.velocity.x = -60 - expend; } else if (this.cursors.right.isDown) { // move to the right this.body.velocity.x = 60 + expend; } else { // dont move in the horizontal this.body.velocity.x = 0; } // a flag to know if the player is (down) touching the platforms this.touching = this.body.touching.down; if (this.touching && this.cursors.up.isDown) { // jump if the player is on top of a platform and the up key is pressed this.body.velocity.y = -250 - expend; } if (this.game.input.keyboard.isDown(Phaser.Keyboard.SPACEBAR) && this.attacanim) { this.play("attack"); } else if (this.touching) { if (this.body.velocity.x == 0) { // if it is not moving horizontally play the idle this.play("idle"); } else { // if it is moving play the walk this.play("walk"); } } else { // it is not touching the platforms so it means it is jumping. this.play("jump"); } // update the facing of the player if (this.cursors.left.isDown) { // face left this.scale.x = -1; } else if (this.cursors.right.isDown) { // face right this.scale.x = 1; } }; Player.prototype.hurt = function(attack) { if (this.invulnerable === false){ this.tint = 0xd95763; this.game.curHealth -= attack; this.game.time.events.add(Phaser.Timer.SECOND * .1, this.normalize, this); this.invulnerable = true; } }; Player.prototype.normalize = function(sprite) { this.tint = 0xffffff; this.invulnerable = false; }; Player.prototype.attacktime = function(sprite) { this.attacanim = false; }; Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
samme Posted January 19, 2017 Share Posted January 19, 2017 arcade.collide and arcade.overlap set body.touching.* on the colliding edges when they detect a collision, so you're seeing the correct behavior. Can you do player.canJump = arcade.collide(player, platforms); Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
B3L7 Posted January 19, 2017 Author Share Posted January 19, 2017 2 hours ago, samme said: Can you do player.canJump = arcade.collide(player, platforms); Thanks for the suggestion. This works but now the player can't jump if he is on top of an enemy. I wouldn't want player.canJump to be true if the player is touching the left, right or bottom of an enemy. Is there a way to actively check which side you are colliding on without disabling collisions on the other sides? I can't think of a way to check player position vs enemy except with a collision callback which will just leave my variable true as it will only be called when collision is true. Quote arcade.collide and arcade.overlap set body.touching.* on the colliding edges when they detect a collision, so you're seeing the correct behavior. Forgive me, but are you sure this is true? This demo uses the same functionality as me and the player falls right through the pickup items regardless of whether the jump key is held or not. The difference between his game and mine is that his player code is in the same scope as the rest of the level code. Hope that all makes sense. I am definitely still learning and have a long way to go. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
samme Posted January 20, 2017 Share Posted January 20, 2017 You can examine `body.touching` within a collision callback, but you can't tell (directly) which touching edges describe the current collision. You can check all jumpable surfaces together (if convenient) player.canJump = false; // This should be the *first* collision test arcade.collide(player, [enemies, platforms], function (_player, enemyOrPlatform){ _player.canJump = _player.body.touching.down; }); or separately player.canJump = false; // These should be the *first* collision tests arcade.collide(player, platforms, function (_player, platform){ _player.canJump = _player.canJump || _player.body.touching.down; }); arcade.collide(player, enemies, function (_player, enemy){ _player.canJump = _player.canJump || _player.body.touching.down; // other enemy stuff… }); The body.touching.* flags are set only by arcade.collide/overlap, so a colliding body always has at least one edge marked touching. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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