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Can i get Mesh's all vectors position


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@JohnK @jerome thank you! and now ,i wanna create a custom mesh,and i'm trying to add animation to my custom mesh which is derived from 3DMax,every thing is fine until 

scene.beginAnimation(customMesh, 0, 97, false);

I don't know why is this ///

and if possible,how can i directly control this mesh's animation use method(↓)every per second?

// 3 parameters to create an event:
// - The frame at which the event will be triggered
// - The action to execute
// - A boolean if the event should execute only once (false by default)
var event1 = new BABYLON.AnimationEvent(50, function() { console.log("Yeah!"); }, true);
// Attach your event to your animation






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Let's try to simplify your problem. This link http://babylonjsguide.github.io/basics/Starter will give you information on a very simple animation http://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#9WUJN#11

This we can then modify so that after 1 second and event is fired on frame 1 * frameRate as in this playground http://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#9WUJN#17

Your next step is in the playground to just change the animation into one you want step by step checking it works at each stage. This way by building on a simple animation we will be able to help with any errors that show up.

NOTE  a rotationQuaternion is NOT an array it is a BabylonJS Quaternion object so keys will be like

        frame: 0,
        value: new BABYLON.Quaternion.RotationAxis(-0.1098, -0.6771, 0.0.0096, -0.7276)

It will be very much easier to help you step by step than with a large amount of code.

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20 hours ago, JohnK said:

Your next step is in the playground to just change the animation into one you want step by step checking it works at each stage. This way by building on a simple animation we will be able to help with any errors that show up.

Unless you build on the Playground I gave you above and reproduce the errors in the Playground I will no be able to help you further. Others might.

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