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Create a sort of scenario


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Hello there, i'm totally new to phaser. I need its power for a project but i'm pretty lost for something. Indeed, i wan't to create a sort of scenario like :

"Player 1 moves"

"Player 1 sends an arrow"

"Player 2 moves"

"Player 2 heals"

So i don't have to interact with any inputs right now. The problem is in my update function, i'm moving the characters but it's doing everything simultaneous :

player1.moveTo(38, 76);
player2.moveTo(380, 304);


Where moveTo is :

Player.prototype.moveTo = function(x, y)
	this.moving = true;
	//player a position x, y. Je veux le faire bouger à x1, y1.
	if(this.player.isoX < x)
	else if(this.player.isoX > x)
	if(this.player.isoY < y)
	else if(this.player.isoY > y)

	if(this.player.isoX == x && this.player.isoY == y && this.moving == true)
		this.moving = false;

and finally, a moving function

Player.prototype.moveRight = function()
	this.player.isoX += this.moveSpeed;


this is an example of functions that can be called during the scenario. I tried to create a turn variable to make player1 plays, then players2 when it's turn 2, but it's still doing simultaneous actions for each player (like moving and attacking at the same time)


Sorry for this first entry in the phaser world, and thx for answers hope :P

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Make a queue, add player movements to the queue and use the update function to keep track of the current player.

queue = [];

queue.push({player:player1, x:38, y:76});
queue.push({player:player2, x:380, y:304});

function dequeue() {
  if (player1.moving || player2.moving) return; // if any player is moving then nothing will be dequeued
  if (queue.length) { // if there is something in the queue
    var current = queue.shift(); // get the next item
    current.player && current.player.moveTo(current.x, current.y); // checks if player exists and then sends the x,y to its own moveTo method

you then only need to use in your update:



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