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create a pseudo editor inside Phaser


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hi and happy new year.

to design my interface i use this part of snippet. it's simple and when i want to catch the position of my "this" i see the ruler in chrome dev tools or in firefox dev tools.

I was wondering if it would not be possible to retrieve the coordinates of my object directly after I moved it.
For example with another button that activates a function...
The problem is that I do not see how to say this.x = this_x_after_drag and then keep this data so that when refreshing my page, the object is at the new coordinate.

Do you have a track?
class_name = function(game){

	this.flag_drag && this.allow_drag(this)

class_name.prototype.allow_drag = function(obj) {




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A drag is one down event, a lot of move events, then an up event (usually... screen/canvas edges can make this a little complicated). Why not store the position during the move events during a drag?

As far as persisting the data, it depends. Does your game have a server connected to a database? Is it okay if it's only stored in the user's browser (you can use localStorage)? Do you mind it getting stored in someone else's storage (use Firebase)?

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