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Multiple textures on complex mesh


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Hi, everyone!

So, we can put a different textures on each side of a "box" using multimaterials and submeshes (like this http://playground.babylonjs.com/#T40FK). But I need to do it on a more complex mesh.
In my case it's a wall (which is basically a box with a small depth) with a square-cuts therein for windows which I made using CSG.subtract method.

There is an example of that wall, but with single material.

I need at least two different textures (front and back side of the wall), but with that square-cuts it's impossible to set the parameters of submeshes. Is there any other ways to set different textures on each side?
Sorry for my EngIish and I hope I've clearly explained the issue.
Any ideas?
Thank you!

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3 hours ago, Deltakosh said:


You can still duplicate the object. It won't be too expensive and will save you a lot of work

What do you mean? Create two identical walls with different textures and use them as one single object?

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10 minutes ago, Deltakosh said:


I thought about it too, but in that case other four faces of wall will have two halfs of different textures which doesn't  look nice :)
Maybe it's the best option and i'll go with it.

Thanks a lot for your respond anyway!

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It's not impossible to figure out the position of the submeshs uv.  Its 0-1 on the x and y. So if the farthest point is 1 and the closest is 0 you just transpose the position of the vetrice in relation to the others to a 0-1 scale.

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