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Apply Height Map To Shape?


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Hi All

Im pretty sure this cant be done but I will ask anyway.  Is it possible to apply a height map to a shape (mesh model).  For example:


The above PG provides a simple 3D mesh model with a ground texture applied.  Is it possible to apply a height map to the 3D mesh model for added realism?

If this is possible I can see lots of applications whereby 3D objects could have height maps applied that enable them to be more representative of the real world (e.g. in the above PG example a height map with small undulations would make the gound appear much more realistic - i.e. better than using a bump map).

I can envisage that the potential drawback is that if all objects in a 3D game scene used this technique there would be significantly more facets to process, that said the game designer would just need to be more restrictive over what objects have the height map applied.

Anyway, put me out of my misery - does this feature exist!? :)

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Hi Deltakosh

Wow, it has been done - I did not know the term "Displacement Map" - Perfect! (BabylonJS - continues to surprise me!) :)

I have some questions if you would'nt mind answering:

1) How do you tile a displacement map - e.g. how would I apply a displacement map (e.g. textures/grassn.png) to my geometry: http://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#RF9W9#398 ?  i.e. I dont want the displacement map to be streteched

2) Can I use a standard normal/bump map image for the displacement map? (i.e. are these image files the same format - I think yes?)


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Hi Deltakosh

I thought I would play with parallax bump mapping first, but I have encountered a strange problem:


If you look at the above PG you can see that the brick texture for some reaosn is applied to the shape at an angle, but it should be horizontally aligned - right?  Could you possibly explain what I am doing wrong?  My guess is that it is something to do with the way in which the texture is wrapped around the mesh model - but I have no idea how to resolve the issue...

Any ideas?

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Ni Nockawa

Thanks again for looking into my problem.  I have done some experimenting and there is something I am potentially doing wrong / hence not understanding.  I have created a simple square shape and extruded it:


* see lines 83 ~ 88

If you look at the completed rendition you can see that the applied texture is at a slight slant (meaning the issue I reported in my original post is present).  If however I change the geometry such that I dont close shape face then I "thouhgt" everything is ok - but on closer inspection you can see that there is a sight misalignment of the texture (see below):


* see line 88 (commented out)

Any idea as to what is happening here?



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I was going to call Jerome to the rescue but looks like he's faster than me! :)

Yes, I'm definitely busy, specially on the Canvas2D side, and I have bunch of bugs/requests that came at the same time as yours, it was so quiet before and I'm suddenly dealing with many things.

It would be nice to have a debug tools that displays the normal, tangent and co tangent of vertices.

@jerome there's no such thing I guess? Maybe one could do it using the LinesMesh class, don't you think?

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The Parallax is ok if you disable useParallaxOcclusion. I'll definitely take a look tomorrow, it's my top priority now, but I won't be able to look for too long, I hope I can solve all your issue at once, which is this one and the mirror rendering.

Don't investigate further, you've done enough already, thank you!

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ok, I had a look at this and I think I found the problem :

The extrusion is only a ribbon applied to a geometry, and this geometry is just the model shape replicated (a rotated, if needed) along an axis path.

Remember that, for now, the uvs are automatically computed for the ribbon to be stretched on its whole geometry.

If there's no starting cap, the geometry is only composed with all the shapes duplicated, so the unwrapped width and length keep the same.

If we add a starting cap, this cap being just two extra paths in the global ribbon geometry  (the shape scaled to zero and located at its barycenter for the first path and the copy of the original shape as a second path), the unwrapped height (following the axis path) is no longer constant for each shape edge... and the ribbon still stretches its texture on this weird geometry, what leads to this strange variation.

No idea about how to fix this the way it is currently designed.

I suggest for now that you don't use the extrusion cap parameter if you encounter this strange texturing and that you set your cap (build it from the same model shape with CreatePolygon)

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