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BulletHell sidescroller help


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Hey guys, i'm making a sidescroller with phaser and tiled. I've run into some problems with the gun function. I collide my bullet group like this.

this.game.physics.arcade.collide(this.bullet, this._collision_layer, this._kill_bullet, null, this);

and the function goes like this:

    _kill_bullet(bullet, _collision_layer) {

this._collision_layer is a tilemap. Now the bullets collide and destroy pretty well, when fired at a low rate of fire. But when i ramp out the speed and rate of fire, the bullets start passing through the collision layer. Especially at angles.

If i try to check for overlap instead, the bullet is destroyed instantly. I believe this is because the bounding box encapsulates all of the tilemaplayer.

Does anyone have any insights they could share with me here? Some pointers possibly?

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I figured this out on my own. What i did was this:


this.physics.arcade.overlap(this.bullets, this._collision_layer, function (bullet, _collision_layer) {
}, function (particle, _collision_layer) {
    return _collision_layer.collides;
}, this);

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