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doc website is so slow and some suggestions


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I am an Asia user.

I need waiting "doc.babylonjs.com" to response about 20s per page.

螢幕快照 2016-12-20 下午4.40.45.png

But the main site.

螢幕快照 2016-12-20 下午4.46.55.png

Maybe the doc server need a cdn.

I'm choosing a game framework from babylonJS and threeJS.

I test babylon and three by create 10000 cube to render, very simple code use babylonJS getstart code and threeJS getstart code.

BabylonJS only got 5 fps but threeJS got 27 fps.

I almost choose the threeJS, but when I change babylon cude.clone to cube.createInstance, that save my life, babylonJS win.

I think a lot of people will choose threeJS because they did the same test as I did, but they didn't find this tip.

Because in the babylonJS doc I can't see any tip or performance part to help me to choosing the framework or what is the difference compared to other framework?

ThreeJS's doc is very messy.

Search from google I got the different versions answer, maybe work or not.

I don't hope babylonJS following in the footsteps of threeJS.

Maybe we can do the difference versions guides, tutorials, api and the releases cycle like EmberJS.


Some small suggestions.

Now I need to convince my CTO use babylonJS not threeJS.

Could you give me some advice?

Thanks the awesome babylon framework and the forum.


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Hello sorry about documentation performance. I'll try to see what we can do ( @Temechon any idea?)

Regarding performance, we started this one: http://doc.babylonjs.com/tutorials/Optimizing_your_scene

Please feel free to improve it


To convince your CTO: Babylon.js has a brilliant and living community at one single place: this forum :) If you have questions you'll always find someone to help you here!

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I have the same problem with the docs loading slow.  I think its public if I get a chance ill browse through and see if I can see the hitch, not promising anything I have like 4 projects I am on right now and I don't feel like taking up another.

On second thought, I just looked at it and they are running Grunt and other things so I'm not touching it with a 10 foot pole... I don't feel like that headache today or ever.

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I'm a newbie too and I also was looking at ThreeJS but I decided BabylonJS. The primary reason it's built on Typescript instead of Javascript which I feel is vastly superior to Javascript because of its strict type checking. I would hope your CTO would also agree! And the second reason is the amazingly helpful forum and how unbelievably responsive the team managing BabylonJS is communicating on this forum and in particular how quick they are at accepting improvements from the community.

-- A newbie's 2 cents :)

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I stay away from compilers... Im a purest so you might wanna stay away from my opinions unless you have a great basis in vanilla js and css.  I hate the idea of having to "build/compile" my websites... no thank you ctrl+s and refresh for me all day...

don't get me wrong Grunt has its place, and I have worked on team projects that require it... but the whole time I was cussing at the screen so...

and SASS is useless unless your doing complex CSS animations... and even then I prolly would not use it...  I mean if you wanted a fancy css spinner or something... but I just write up JS to compile effects in css for me like that.

Cat skinning my friend, cat skinning...

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why learn another language to program a language?

Absolute garbage.

but its all in what makes more since in your head.  I cant knock anyone who is more productive with it then vanilla.js

In fact I believe you should not even use jQuery, and don't like the fact how widely people use it in BJS.  its just more bloat.

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Well, I would not show the scene with 10000 cubes to your CTO.  It does not represent a reasonable scene.  A mesh has a certain amount over head in javascript & looks like more in BJS.  No one is likely to build a scene with just a cube replicated 10000 times.

Yes, it easy enough to code scenes to compare like this without diving deep into one or the other, but I would take a stab at something a little closer to what you might want to actually do.  Perhaps start with what you're thinking is going to be your source for your geometry, then map out the work flow options for each resulting in either a BJS or Three scene.  Make a crude mesh or grab an example from the web, then run it through each.

More work, but also more valuable.  Your CFO is also going to be interested in work flow, not just the fps of a  single contrived scene.

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Why another language, a reasonable question. I'd say because languages are the foundation of thought and they provide different ways of organizing and communicating those thoughts to other people and machines. Keep an open mind I think someday you'll find the world is bigger than Javascript and CSS.

In any case, as a old fart, I'd suggest just try using Typescript to add types to on your Javascript code, I think you'll find it enlightening. (Note: if you want to continue this discussion we should probably move it off this topic :) )

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Class and Module Support.
Just use contained functions...

Static Type-checking.
Just make sure you parse your variables...

ES6 Feature Support
just make a constants Object or prototype overwrite...

Clear Library API Definition

Build-in Support for JavaScript Packaging
-learn to package yourself...

Syntax Similarity to Our Backend Languages (Java, Scala)
Why use backend syntax for front end?

Superset of JavaScript.
Says it all... its just and extension of javascript... which means it would behoove one to learn the core system...

Everything you can do in typescript you can do with regular js...

and the quote of there is more then Javascript and CSS I know over 12 Programming languages fluently, and can read and pick up any structured language quicker then most... so yeah but no but yea...

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Hey everybody take easy :)

About grunt I think that is a great tool (now we used "https://babeljs.io/", do the same thing but more performance),

In the Ember world that call "ember-cli", it's a cmd tool.

That can do "hot reload (you don't need press F5 all day)", "project init and update", "cmd generate code", "language translate".

Perhaps this is an inappropriate example.

I would like to express is "make the babylonJS more like a framework not a webgl tool".

That is what I told my CTO this morning.

By the way, do you use the babyonJS editor?

Or everybody use blender?

Now I use threeJS editor, because that looks more friendly.


(Wow, I found "http://editor.babylonjs.com/", but this is not show on babylonJS website)

@Deltakosh It is still not working.


螢幕快照 2016-12-21 下午1.12.36.png

螢幕快照 2016-12-21 下午1.13.13.png

Thanks again.

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The server ran out of electricity powder, and the administrator forgot to fill it up. The Pico 735 extension was also acting funny, and overall the nginx server started getting really emotional. I made a threat to replace it with apache, and it actually worked. You know those servers, they sometimes need to be dealt with a firm attitude.


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