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help with a loop


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Im trying to make a level select buttons so a person can choose which level to play

How can I make

this.levelButton1,this.levelButton2 etc on the fly ?

 for (i = 1 ; i < 6; i ++){
     this.levelButton = this.add.button(this.levelButtonWidth * (i * 1.8), 100, 'levelButton' + i);
     this.levelButton.inputEnabled = true;
     console.log('You Pressed LevelButton' + i);
     // pass this value to GameState
     }, this);

I have tried

this.levelButton = this.add.button(this.levelButtonWidth * (i * 1.8), 100, 'levelButton' + i);

but I keep getting a null reference

any help would be appreciated


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3 minutes ago, johncintron said:

You're getting a null reference because


is undefined.


Also, you should use this syntax for your for loop:

for (let i = 1; i < 6; i++) {
    // loop body

because it creates a new closure for each value of i in the loop.

thank you, so much !!


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