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Player creation from different sprites


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Hi, I have an idea of a game in which there would be a player who could collect different items(boots, helmet, pants, etc)
It would really be a pain if I had to draw:
10 animation frames for normal character,
10 animation frames for character in boots,
10 animation frames for character in pants,
10 animation frames for character in pants,in boots,
And so on.....
You got me..(Of no, think of Minecraft or Terraria or Starbound where you can wear armor and stuff)
So, my question is - Is it possible(in Phaser) to take different images(One for body, one for head, one for legs) and put them together and move,animate as if it was one image...

Or maybe you have other suggestions? :)

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If you made your animation with Spriter (https://brashmonkey.com) and played it with Spriter Player for Phaser (https://github.com/SBCGames/Spriter-Player-for-Phaser), then it is easy to achieve what you need. Feature you are looking for is named "character maps". It is available only in Spriter Pro, but with it you can switch player's boots, pants, hats... whatever. This feature is supported with Spriter Player for Phaser.

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10 minutes ago, Tom Atom said:

If you made your animation with Spriter (https://brashmonkey.com) and played it with Spriter Player for Phaser (https://github.com/SBCGames/Spriter-Player-for-Phaser), then it is easy to achieve what you need. Feature you are looking for is named "character maps". It is available only in Spriter Pro, but with it you can switch player's boots, pants, hats... whatever. This feature is supported with Spriter Player for Phaser.

Thanks, I will check this out :P

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