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[Q] Emitter Particles Input Collision


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Hello gamedevs!
I just jumped into Phaser, and feel realy well prepared after the Zenva course, Examples and the help of the Forum.
But I just run into a problem where I can't find any solution.

I just setup a Emitter who is creating world/another colliding bubbles within a mask.
What I now want is to collide them also with my Input (mouse/touch). (Everyone knows the effect of run the mouse into a particle bubble bath :D)
I tried following:

-Find any Emitter function in the docu
-Move a colliding box to the position where I clicked (he doesnt moves bubbles who within the box, just colliding with the ones who newly fall into it)
-Add a Drag function to Particles (emitter.input.enableDrag(true); doesnt work; cant find any equal function in docu)

Maybe I am just looking for the wrong keywords, but cant understand this common effect of colliding emitter particles with Mouse Input is that hard to find :D
Would be awesome if you can point me!!
Thanks in advance, have a nice day

//Update #1

It seems like their is a problem with Dragging Sprites and their correct collision detection.
For another smilar problem I want a red ball to drag out of this bubble bath.
Same problem, but now I let them drag out via follow mouse, collision works now correct.


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