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is scene.getAnimationRatio() used to substitute deltaTime


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what would be the best approach to move a Mesh constantly independently form framedrops?

mesh.moveWithCollisions(new BABYLON.Vector3(x,y,z))

or would 

moveWithCollisions(new BABYLON.Vector3(x*scene.getAnimationRatio(),y*scene.getAnimationRatio(),z*scene.getAnimationRatio()) 

be better

or would an other approach be better?

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well, it all depends how you define your velocity (the variable provided to moveWithCollisions). 

You could multiply it by deltaTime, divide it by the current FPS, or use the animation ratio (which is set like this: animationRatio = deltaTime * (60.0 / 1000.0);) . All depends on your initial velocity vector.

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again, depends on your variables and your scale :) moveWithCollision(new Vector3(0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001)) will be smooth for sure, but will probably get you nowehere. If all of your meshes are 100000 units big, then setting the velocity to 10 will probably be smooth as well.

Just experiment. Give it a try, you will figure it out.

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k, ty.

Maybe I used the wrong word, by smooth I meant the speed of the mesh should stay the same, independent from the FPS

So I want the mesh to travel the same amount of space no matter if the FPS is at 60 or 20. So multiplying by the animationRatio should do the job.

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