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Tweens running slow an a specific PC on Chrome?


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Hello, I've recently encountered a very strange behavior on a specific PC. I've been testing about 10 Phaser puzzle games, which use various tweens for visualization. I've played the games on quite a few desktop PCs, including a Mac, and more than 10 different mobile devices, Android and iOS. On only 1 of the PCs all games exhibit an aberrant behavior where tweens seem to be running slower than their duration states. I couldn't find anything in the Internet about what could cause this issue. Even a simple alpha tween with a certain duration, no delay and autostart is acting weird. Phaser 2.4.6 is used. The issue is experienced in Chrome, currently the latest version, but I've noticed this behavior in earlier versions in the past months. On Edge everything runs as intended.

If anyone has any idea or solution, please share.

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posting the code would help to find "something" , if there is something.

otherwise, if it's hardware specific. I am not certain if this is something that could be done on the software site, since it seems hardware related..
Sometimes it helps to update the driver due to openGL version if you use webGL mode on your game (experienced this on dell laptops)

we had have an issue that was caused by PIXI.BlendModes.HUE, which draws the performance nearly by 50% on an intel I7 4er series. (linux)
Maybe this is similiar. we had found no solution for this and had to use other techniques, since the investigation would have been too expensive.


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Thanks for the reply. Well the thing is, this behavioral issue is the same across all 10 puzzle games, which use various tweens. I don't really know what block of code to post as a showcase since something as simple as tweening the y position of a sprite from its current position to 50 pixels below happens notably slower than intended (for example, I've set a duration of 200 ms and it visibly happens much slower, about two times slower). The PC in question has the latest drivers for its components and the latest Chrome and Firefox versions. I too guess it's something hardware related and don't think I'll spend more time into investigating further for such a rare occurrence. Just wanted to check if anyone has any knowledge on the matter and maybe for other people affected to know such an issue exists.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Update: A colleague of mine accidentally found while testing on a dual-monitor system that the issue was actually experienced only on a 144hz monitor. As he moved the browser to his second 60hz monitor, tweens were running ok. The PC I had the issue on was with AMD's FreeSync enabled and running at 120hz. Once I reduced those to 60hz, tweens were fine as well. I actually never gave it a thought that screen refresh rates can have an impact on tweens.

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