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Hello Everybody!!

I present to you, the BEST multiplayer casual space shooter game on the Internet today!


1. It is a 2 dimensions multiplayer space game that is gravity based.

2. Your spaceship has stats that you can improve by either collecting items in space or by destroying other player's ship.

3. Everything in the game has mass, and newtonian physics has influence over everything.  Entities are attracted to each other according to roughly (mass1*mass2)/distance^2.

4. Your ship has two basic stats that determine its defense, its armor amount and shield amount

5. Shield recharges according to the amount of shield you have left, you can add to your total shield amount by acquiring the right item floating in space.

6. Armor do not recharge, every unit of armor you add to your ship add a certain amount of mass to your ship. Your ranking is determined by your total MASS!

7. You can repair your armor if you have enough unit of "armor repairer". Can be found floating in space.

8. The force of your propulsion system can be modified by item you find in space. The bigger you get, the more propulsion power you need to accelerate.

9. The rate of fire (RoF) can also be increased by item found in space, as well as the damage that each of your projectile !!


//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//

1. 28/11/2016 ---> Addition of the Flash Bomb, uses shield and deals damage to surrounding area according to how much shield you had when you fired it.



VISIT AT  www.gravitymelee.com

!!!----> Feel free to ask any question!!!!!!!! <----!!!



- yes, the front end is mostly an html5 canvas and javascript, the back-end is node.js.





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