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All source files have been updated due to the typescript port. I used to work by merging the new (or updated) code into my documented version, but I cannot do that anymore :(
Maybe it's time to start to create a documentation for the typescript version, don't you think ?

It will take more time though.


I will still use jsdoc3 for info, and I will try to track my progress in this forum. Stay tuned ! 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello everybody !


The documentation have been updated to the version 1.12 : 



You can still find the 1.11 version here : 



What has been done:

- Total rework of the documentation since the TypeScript port (took a lot of time)

- A beautiful logo added in the front page

- A new blue template (validated by Wingnut)

- 80-90% of the parameters type have been added


I hope it will be useful for you and your projects.


Cheers !

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Thanks Temechon. just a question. you would not possible to group in the "drop-down menu (<select>)" to gather for example what is camera, everything is action and another groups. It would much improve the documentation.

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I cannot do that, because it would need all subclasses of a class (let's say "Action" for example) in the same file, with a very specific syntax. You know I use jsdoc to generate the documentation, and jsdoc is not able to compile the list of subclasses of one given class.

Without this specific syntax and all classes in the same file, I cannot do anything :/

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You have a error on Temechon : (classe Mesh)


setVerticesData(data, kind, updatable)


new signature :


setVerticesData(kind, data, updatable)


  • Mesh.setVerticesData signature is now: (kind, values, updatable) instead of (values, kind, updatable) in order to be consistent with Mesh.updateVerticesData deltakosh)
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

The documentation of sceneSerializer is not complete. Missing : serializeMesh(), serializeGround(), serializeParticleSystem(), serializeSkeleton(), serializeTexture(), serializeMaterial(), serializeCamera(), serializeLight() ..... and other.


Here we see that the serialization of the scene:




When he is in the news on the official documentation integrate babylon? 



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  • 2 weeks later...


I'm trying to find out how to import/load my own models into my babylon scene,

I understand that they need to be converted into the ".babylon" file format,

but the online converter at "http://babylonjs.com/converter.html" does not work for me at all

and I have no idea how to operate anything with command lines, so...


...could someone maybe add a tutorial about this to the Documentation?



[offTopic] I'm using Maya for the models and tried the OBJ and FBX format, the online converter just tells me that it would not be able to read my texture files, for that another task would be using them right now (with a refference to the server machine's path) with the OBJ file and if I try to use the converter with an FBX file it just times out (it's a really low poly model with an 128x128 texture...) [/offTopic]

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Hey Dinkelborg, 


Welcome ! 

Don't worry too much about the online converter, I don't think it ever worked once for me :) To convert your model, you have 2 solutions.

There are no plugin for Maya yet.


Good luck !

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Good luck !

...that I will need for sure... I only know Maya, I just downloaded Blender, but I cannot work with it at all... I'm really confused by all the panels and windows (I couldn't even see my textures on the model)... (I ended up with 3 windows all showing me the same view at the scene stacked in the side menu o.O ) ... I will give Max a try next, but I know from previous experiences that it is also complicated... and right at the moment I simply don't have the time to learn a new 3D modeling environment / tool ... Is there really no other way?


I know some Mel script ... and Maya also works with Python maybe we could try to throw some lines together and make an executeable script for the Maya console or so?

I just don't really know how these things work under the hood...

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I found a converter for ThreeJS that works as a plug-in for Maya. It converts any model made in Maya into a JSON file that looks like this:


I shortened the file (as can obviously be seen from the "...") but I will attach the original.

I thought it looked somewhat similar to the ".babylon"-Format ... Is there a chance we could use it to make a Babylon - Exporter plugin for Maya?

The plugin can be found here: https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/tree/master/utils/exporters/maya


The full JSON file can be found here: http://bit.ly/1FMql9x

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As a new member of the BabylonJS community, I can definitely say that documentation is probably the biggest papercut. My team (3 guys total) are new to the WebGL scene, but we've been working on projects with more traditional engines (Horde3D and Panda3D before it). To be honesty, BabylonJS is one of the most well put together APIs we've worked with yet.


In the interest of Better Documentation , however, we wanted to lend some of our technical writing skills (we're all professional JS developers, with lots of experience writing API docs) to solve our only major complaint, but it seems like the current documentation was generated from a fork of the project? We can't seem to find any of the comments that would generate what's on http://www.sokrate.fr/documentation/babylonjs/index.html.


Having skimmed through this topic, it seems like there's some new documentation coming down the pipeline. If it would help, I'd love to volunteer myself and the other guys on my team. On the other hand, if, for whatever reason something falls through, we can totally make a pull request adding jsdoc generation, and go from there. Just let us know where we can hop in!



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