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aape - The Adobe Animate PixiJS exporter


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Hi everyone,


I'm extremely excited to share my latest side project with you. I call it aape. It is my version of an Adobe Animate PixiJS exporter. 

Here are two demos of exported animations:






How it works:

The project is split into two parts. A JSFL script to export your current Animate timeline and a few JS classes to download and display the animation.

Your animation is build as usual. The only difference being that you have to explicitly tell aape which part of the animation should be exported as Bitmap. This is done by selecting the MovieClip in your Animate library and changing it to a Graphics object. 

MovieClip labels and comments are also exported and can be used by executing the familiar gotoAndStop / gotoAndPlay methods. 

After building your scene you execute aape form the toolbar. The export starts with the currently open MovieClip as root element. 

A simple export generates three files. A PNG Atlas + JSON file containing image locations and  a JSON object that describes the exported timeline (the library). 

The files can than be loaded and added to the aape.Timeline object. It's prototype is the PIXI.DisplayObject. So you can easily add it to your existing display list. 

The exporter currently doesn't parse vector graphics. 


The tool is not yet finished. I'm still working on the Animate user interface and export options as well as a proper documentation. 

I also haven't decided how I'm going to publish aape yet. 


What du you think? Is this workflow still relevant to you? I'd love to get your feedback. 




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@mrwut4 great start man. We are definitely thinking along the same page. The last 8 months I've been working on building a native exporter for Animate. This uses the C++ SDK so that you create Pixi FLA documents and preview functionality. This also exports vectors. Maybe you'd be interested in collaborating? If you wanna know more I'm happy to share. If so, message me.

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