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Using me.game.time.advancedTiming = true; reduce Performance?


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Hi All,

In my game i am having a emitter which execute when user tap on the object.

The emitter is slow in low level android phones. So I am planning to check the fps. If fps < 30 then don't show the emitter ELSE show the emitter.

I am going to use the below line in create function so that Phaser will calculate the fps.

me.game.time.advancedTiming = true;

Will it reduce the performance of the game, because only when the advancedTiming property is set to true Phaser starts calculating fps, which is an additional work for Phaser.

Thanks for your help.



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As far as I remember advancedTiming shouldn't have much of an impact, but using the built-in debug to display FPS will have a considerable impact.

The standard particle system isn't the most efficient and your implementation could be increasing the overhead, depending on what you are doing with the particles.

I'd try the phaser particle examples to check performance on your device, that'll show you roughly if your device has performance issues in general.  If a comparable example seems fine, then probably start to look at your code to see what could be improved.

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