Pryme8 Posted October 27, 2016 Share Posted October 27, 2016 So, I know everyone has been working on their own 2d systems, and this one is not GL accelerated yet but it is extremely versatile and tailor able. I call it PIE, or Pryme Interface Elements. The whole idea is a node and element based system, with multiple layers that are propagated with throttled async calls. Resulting in highly modular and quickly deploy-able elements. The two examples in the video were created in a matter of hours, and any more elements to them can be easily added. You will have to excuse the video lag, my pc hates screen recording, but the new work rig should be here soon so no more worries on that as of later this week I hope. The Idea is you have your Pie, which is a target element or if none is set the body is targeted, the system then creates a stack of canvas, by default 4 but this can by changed in the arguments. The Pie is the container for all Nodes, which contain Elements, which contain hotspots, which contain events, which can also contain responses. The graphic data is reserved in the RAM on runtime and is able to be referenced by all elements in the stack at any point of a response or callback. All Nodes, Elements, and Hotspots have a transform Object that effects their positions including rotation and soon scale. All standard DOM elements are easily deploy-able as new Nodes with a little bit of scripting, and later versions will include methods to create these elements automatically. Events already supported: > Drag-able Elements with Custom Response Output and limits > Spin Elements or Knobs, with Custom Response Output and limits > Mouse Overs and Alt Images > MouseClick/MouseDown/Mouse Up and Custom Responses > Keyboard Input with Custom Responses All events can also have an unlimited number of callbacks attached as well. All graphic types that can be drawn to canvas supported, and procedural graphics as well, that do not calculate unless their data changes. All elements are cloneable. All functions are chainable. Soon to include, Sprite Sheets and Animations. OK here is the demo, I'm not putting this out there yet until it can be mimified and bugged I am confident with a little bit of hard work, I can make standard DOM Obsolete, especially once I kick in the web workers and GL acceleration. The demo first shows and audio track dock, with knobs that have output that can control things (though not shown in this demo) and secondly a real time Browser Synth, that has both mouse and keyboard events, and live sound productions being visualized by BABYLON JS particles. This is super simple examples, the keyboards UI was created in less then a hour, and all the elements were super easy to make! I should post the demo of the synth this video does it no justice, everything is extremely responsive, and you have the ability to hit like every key at once if you wanted... To show how easy it was to make the UI here is a section of the script: ... var bg_grid = this.UI.createPGraphic('BG-Grid', function(el, ctx, canvas){ var ui = this.parent; ctx.fillStyle = this.vars.gridBaseColor; ctx.fillRect(0,0,canvas.width, canvas.height); var x = 0, y = 0, sTick = 0; ctx.strokeStyle = this.vars.gridLineColor; ctx.beginPath(); while(x<canvas.width || y<canvas.height){ if(sTick){ctx.lineWidth = 0.5;sTick++;}else{ctx.lineWidth = 0.2;sTick--;} ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(x,0); ctx.lineTo(x,canvas.height); ctx.moveTo(0,y); ctx.lineTo(canvas.width,y); ctx.stroke(); x+=this.vars.gridSize; y+=this.vars.gridSize; } }, {gridSize:40, gridBaseColor : 'rgb(20,180,120)', gridLineColor : 'rgb(120,60,180)'}, {}); var background_node = this.UI.createNode('Background', {layer:0}); var background_grid = background_node.createElement('Background-Graphic', bg_grid, {}, true); this.UI.update = 1; ... //BUILD UI var base = parent.UI.createGraphic('shsynth_base', './imgs/ui/shsynth_base.png'); var displayBase = parent.UI.createGraphic('displayBase', './imgs/ui/display_base.png'); var lKey = parent.UI.createGraphic('lKeyUp', './imgs/ui/LKeyUp.png'); var lKeyD = parent.UI.createGraphic('lKeyDown', './imgs/ui/LKeyDown.png'); var bKey = parent.UI.createGraphic('bKeyUp', './imgs/ui/blackkeyUp.png'); var bKeyD = parent.UI.createGraphic('bKeyDown', './imgs/ui/blackkeyDown.png'); var tKey = parent.UI.createGraphic('tKeyUp', './imgs/ui/tKeyUp.png'); var tKeyD = parent.UI.createGraphic('tKeyDown', './imgs/ui/tKeyDown.png'); var jKey = parent.UI.createGraphic('jKeyUp', './imgs/ui/JKeyUp.png'); var jKeyD = parent.UI.createGraphic('jKeyDown', './imgs/ui/JKeyDown.png'); var lastKey = parent.UI.createGraphic('lastKey', './imgs/ui/wholeKeyUp.png'); var lastKeyD = parent.UI.createGraphic('lastKeyD', './imgs/ui/wholeKeyDown.png'); var keyOverG = parent.UI.createGraphic('keyOver', './imgs/ui/keyCover.png'); this.UI = parent.UI.createNode('shsynth_base', {transform:{x:((parent.UI.layers[0].width)*0.5)-450,y:(parent.UI.layers[0].height) - 260}, layer:1}); this.UI.createElement('Display_Base', displayBase, {transform:{x:145,y:(parent.UI.layers[0].height) - 1010}, layer:0}, true); base = this.UI.createElement('shsynth_base_image', base, {layer:1}, true); this.UI.createElement('C', lKey, {transform:{x:208,y:60}, layer:2, noteStep:0 }, true); this.UI.createElement('Db', bKey, {transform:{x:234.5,y:60}, layer:1, noteStep:1 }, true); this.UI.createElement('D', tKey, {transform:{x:247.5,y:60}, layer:2, noteStep:2 }, true); parent.UI.clone('Db',{name: "Eb", args:{transform:{x:274, y:60}, layer:1, noteStep:3}}); this.UI.createElement('E', jKey, {transform:{x:286,y:60}, layer:2, noteStep:4 }, true); parent.UI.clone('C',{name: "F", args:{transform:{x:325, y:60}, layer:2, noteStep:5}}); parent.UI.clone('Db',{name: "Gb", args:{transform:{x:352.5, y:60} , layer:1, noteStep:6}}); parent.UI.clone('D',{name: "G", args:{transform:{x:364.5, y:60}, layer:2, noteStep:7}}); parent.UI.clone('Db',{name: "Ab", args:{transform:{x:390.5, y:60} , layer:1, noteStep:8}}); parent.UI.clone('D',{name: "A", args:{transform:{x:403.5, y:60}, layer:2, noteStep:9}}); parent.UI.clone('Db',{name: "Bb", args:{transform:{x:430, y:60} , layer:1, noteStep:10}}); parent.UI.clone('E',{name: "B", args:{transform:{x:442, y:60}, layer:2, noteStep:11}}); parent.UI.clone('C',{name: "C2", args:{transform:{x:481, y:60}, layer:2, noteStep:12}}); parent.UI.clone('Db',{name: "Db2", args:{transform:{x:508, y:60} , layer:1, noteStep:13}}); parent.UI.clone('D',{name: "D2", args:{transform:{x:520, y:60}, layer:2, noteStep:14}}); parent.UI.clone('Db',{name: "Eb2", args:{transform:{x:546, y:60}, layer:1, noteStep:15}}); parent.UI.clone('E',{name: "E2", args:{transform:{x:558.5, y:60}, layer:2, noteStep:16}}); parent.UI.clone('C',{name: "F2", args:{transform:{x:597.5, y:60}, layer:2, noteStep:17}}); parent.UI.clone('Db',{name: "Gb2", args:{transform:{x:624, y:60} , layer:1, noteStep:18}}); parent.UI.clone('D',{name: "G2", args:{transform:{x:637, y:60}, layer:2, noteStep:19}}); parent.UI.clone('Db',{name: "Ab2", args:{transform:{x:663, y:60} , layer:1, noteStep:20}}); parent.UI.clone('D',{name: "A2", args:{transform:{x:675.5, y:60}, layer:2, noteStep:21}}); parent.UI.clone('Db',{name: "Bb2", args:{transform:{x:701.5, y:60} , layer:1, noteStep:22}}); parent.UI.clone('E',{name: "B2", args:{transform:{x:713.5, y:60}, layer:2, noteStep:23}}); this.UI.createElement('C3', lastKey, {transform:{x:752.5,y:60}, layer:2, noteStep:24}, true); this.UI.createElement('keyOver', keyOverG, {transform:{x:205.5,y:35}, layer:2}, true); parent.UI.createHotspot('C_Hot', {box:{tl:{x:1, y:100}, br:{x:35, y:175}}}, 'C'); parent.UI.createHotspot('Db_Hot', {box:{tl:{x:0, y:30}, br:{x:30, y:80}}}, 'Db'); parent.UI.createHotspot('D_Hot', {box:{tl:{x:1, y:100}, br:{x:35, y:175}}}, 'D'); parent.UI.createHotspot('Eb_Hot', {box:{tl:{x:0, y:30}, br:{x:30, y:80}}}, 'Eb'); parent.UI.createHotspot('E_Hot', {box:{tl:{x:1, y:100}, br:{x:35, y:175}}}, 'E'); parent.UI.createHotspot('F_Hot', {box:{tl:{x:1, y:100}, br:{x:35, y:175}}}, 'F'); parent.UI.createHotspot('Gb_Hot', {box:{tl:{x:0, y:30}, br:{x:30, y:80}}}, 'Gb'); parent.UI.createHotspot('G_Hot', {box:{tl:{x:1, y:100}, br:{x:35, y:175}}}, 'G'); parent.UI.createHotspot('Ab_Hot', {box:{tl:{x:0, y:30}, br:{x:30, y:80}}}, 'Ab'); parent.UI.createHotspot('A_Hot', {box:{tl:{x:1, y:100}, br:{x:35, y:175}}}, 'A'); parent.UI.createHotspot('Bb_Hot', {box:{tl:{x:0, y:30}, br:{x:30, y:80}}}, 'Bb'); parent.UI.createHotspot('B_Hot', {box:{tl:{x:1, y:100}, br:{x:35, y:175}}}, 'B'); parent.UI.createHotspot('C2_Hot', {box:{tl:{x:1, y:100}, br:{x:35, y:175}}}, 'C2'); parent.UI.createHotspot('Db2_Hot', {box:{tl:{x:0, y:30}, br:{x:30, y:80}}}, 'Db2'); parent.UI.createHotspot('D2_Hot', {box:{tl:{x:1, y:100}, br:{x:35, y:175}}}, 'D2'); parent.UI.createHotspot('Eb2_Hot', {box:{tl:{x:0, y:30}, br:{x:30, y:80}}}, 'Eb2'); parent.UI.createHotspot('E2_Hot', {box:{tl:{x:1, y:100}, br:{x:35, y:175}}}, 'E2'); parent.UI.createHotspot('F2_Hot', {box:{tl:{x:1, y:100}, br:{x:35, y:175}}}, 'F2'); parent.UI.createHotspot('Gb2_Hot', {box:{tl:{x:0, y:30}, br:{x:30, y:80}}}, 'Gb2'); parent.UI.createHotspot('G2_Hot', {box:{tl:{x:1, y:100}, br:{x:35, y:175}}}, 'G2'); parent.UI.createHotspot('Ab2_Hot', {box:{tl:{x:0, y:30}, br:{x:30, y:80}}}, 'Ab2'); parent.UI.createHotspot('A2_Hot', {box:{tl:{x:1, y:100}, br:{x:35, y:175}}}, 'A2'); parent.UI.createHotspot('Bb2_Hot', {box:{tl:{x:0, y:30}, br:{x:30, y:80}}}, 'Bb2'); parent.UI.createHotspot('B2_Hot', {box:{tl:{x:1, y:100}, br:{x:35, y:175}}}, 'B2'); parent.UI.createHotspot('C3_Hot', {box:{tl:{x:1, y:100}, br:{x:35, y:175}}}, 'C3'); var keyDown = parent.UI.createEvent('mousedown', (function(e, p){ ... })); parent.UI.attach('C_Hot', keyDown); parent.UI.attach('Db_Hot', keyDown); parent.UI.attach('D_Hot', keyDown); parent.UI.attach('Eb_Hot', keyDown); parent.UI.attach('E_Hot', keyDown); parent.UI.attach('F_Hot', keyDown); parent.UI.attach('Gb_Hot', keyDown); parent.UI.attach('G_Hot', keyDown); parent.UI.attach('Ab_Hot', keyDown); parent.UI.attach('A_Hot', keyDown); parent.UI.attach('Bb_Hot', keyDown); parent.UI.attach('B_Hot', keyDown); parent.UI.attach('C2_Hot', keyDown); parent.UI.attach('Db2_Hot', keyDown); parent.UI.attach('D2_Hot', keyDown); parent.UI.attach('Eb2_Hot', keyDown); parent.UI.attach('E2_Hot', keyDown); parent.UI.attach('F2_Hot', keyDown); parent.UI.attach('Gb2_Hot', keyDown); parent.UI.attach('G2_Hot', keyDown); parent.UI.attach('Ab2_Hot', keyDown); parent.UI.attach('A2_Hot', keyDown); parent.UI.attach('Bb2_Hot', keyDown); parent.UI.attach('B2_Hot', keyDown); parent.UI.attach('C3_Hot', keyDown); I will be releasing this library soon, along with a Browser tool for Real time Music Production Linked to Custom 3d Visualizations and that are controlled by different nodes and instruments you have set up, with a quick variable linking system so shaders, and all properties of the scene can be effected real time to the music being produced. Mainly targeting DJ's and Live Producers, but also including nodes for Timeline/Automatons for note rolls and other effects... I have been sitting on this for like 2 weeks and have not had a chance to work on it because of my busy schedule and a timeline I need to meet for a client, but I figured it was time to give the world a taste of my PIE... (the mmm... is www turned upside down ^_^) Comments, Concerns, Criticism? dbawel, MarianG, meteoritool and 1 other 4 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dbawel Posted October 27, 2016 Share Posted October 27, 2016 Very Cool! You definately work in a different universe than I do! DB Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vousk-prod. Posted October 28, 2016 Share Posted October 28, 2016 Nice Pryme8! Is your title "mmm Pie" refers to Weebl and Bob ? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pryme8 Posted October 28, 2016 Author Share Posted October 28, 2016 hah yeah and I thought mmm would be a cool reference to www turned upside down as well. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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