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The Difference a Retopo makes!


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So, I was struggling with getting my client to be on board with a retopo of all the major meshs in the scene.  Finally after demonstrating that the way the content was that we had little chance of a working App, I was able to get them to approve me going over everything and doing some modeling tricks to strip out as many points and draw calls as possible, as some of the buildings were 17 objects and 200k points plus.

I am excited to see the performance chance once I get done and have standardized all the textures.  Ill keep yall updated, but I wont be on as there is lots to do!  28 more buildings to go!
here are 4 of 6 that I have done.

The first one really needs its windows redone on the texture but ill get that done later, and most of these had adjustments after I did the screenshots (like the 3rd ones facade height got fixed)






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1 hour ago, Pryme8 said:

I was struggling with getting my client to be on board with a retopo of all the major meshs in the scene.  Finally after demonstrating that the way the content was that we had little chance of a working App

@Pryme8 : Yes, seems like this has cropped a few times over the last few months. All these hipoly models maybe fine for a still render that takes many minutes in the chosen 3D software - but in a web browser it has to render at optimally 60x a second. And as you say "no chance". Best way I think of convincing people - time a still render with them.

Your second image reminds me of a forum post from a few days ago drapes

I hope your drapes are not that bad :unsure:

What software do you use for retopology Pryme?

cheers, gryff :)

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c4d, im thinking about going live tomorrow on my twitch account while I do the last of the stuff...  If I do ill post the link on here.

And no way my drapes are just texture, in fact most of it is just texture tricks that's how I was able to get example three from 55k polygons to 21... o_O

and here is the texture for the one with all the windows, to give some guys who might not know what we are talking about an idea.




Color ^^^

^^ texture for the building that had 200k+ polygons after retopo.

The main thing you need to watch out for is make sure you keep everything scale in ratio and don't make anything too big so you have room on your master texture.

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