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Could Sound._playbackRate have a setter??


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I am building a demo page for my Animation System.  It was a way to give it some more exercise, show off its features, & get more Blender experience.  Also, lets me see where things could be improved prior to release to avoid changing later, possibly needing to break compatibility.

I am up to 15 seconds of animation in the demo & have not even started any skeleton pose interpolation.  As I am adding things, I got tired of waiting for 15 secs to go by.  Fortunately, I have centralized time line control for pause / resume.  I put in a speed multiplier, so I can just add a line like:

QI.TimelineControl.SPEED = 10;

Now everything happens in 1.5 seconds, without changing all my timings.  Its a little trickier to turn it back to 1 when I get to the part I care about.  You need to put the reset in a function that also gets put on a queue where it is wanted.  After done development, just rip out  2 lines.

QI is also very well synchronized with audio.  The MotionEvent class ( & therefore all sub classes) takes a sound in the constructor.  An instance of a MotionEvent does not immediately start.  You put it on a mesh's / camera's / or light's queue.  Once the event is next to run, the event starts the sound.  I wanted to play the sound at the same speed as the scene.  However, _playbackRate is currently only specified in the sound constructor.  I could just reference / manually set it myself, but since it is private in typescript, thought I would put it out there that I intend to do it much later.

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@davrous, thanks.  I do not know what I was looking at when I started this.  There is not a "setter" per say, but there is a function which sets it.  As you know, it can even change the speed of a sound after it started playing.

I have also been slowing down the animations you can pick from in a dropdown in Blender to display a Mesh  (called a 'GrandEntrance').  They happen really fast, so it is hard QA them at normal speed.  These have a sound which is really wild played @ 0.1 playbackRate.

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