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Oh, look at this... http://www.html5gamedevs.com/topic/15744-play-animation-after-looped-animation/#entry89272

You guys are playing practical jokes on me, eh?  You HIRED relaX to ask that question, and put a Blax Maneuver in the first line of his/her code, right?  Aren't you all funny! :)

Probably not true, relaX.  Your question is fine, but you made a new Animatable... just like a chap named Blax did...  and I have been studying the Blax Maneuver over the last 6-10 posts in this thread... and it is... well... ironic, to say the least.  :)   

RelaX, somebody will answer your questions, soon, I promise.  But you couldn't have timed it better... to be totally hilarious.  Your questions are perfectly good ones... but the fact that you created an Animatable at THIS TIME... is pretty funny.

As best I can tell, relaX... an AnimatABLE was returned to you... when you created your AnimaTION that you put into ship.animations.  That is the animatABLE to use for your tests.  You should probably not make your own new animatABLE.  Most, if not all animation operations in BJS... make an animatABLE for you.  But, I'm still studying it all, so I could be wrong.  (Likely so.)  More soon.  :)

http://playground.babylonjs.com/#HH1U5#4  Lots of info in there.  Line 149 and 150... Blax Maneuvers... make your own AnimatABLE.  See how they are started?   _animate() funcs on the animatables... lines 155-156.  Weird, eh?  Scary internal function call... so.. not exactly a "normal" thing.  :)

Now take a look at lines 159-160.  aa3 and aa5 are animatables, and they are returned from a scene.beginAnimation which made the animat able FOR me/us.  Same with lines 163-164... aa4 and aa6 animatables were returned from a scene.beginDirectAnimation, also made FOR us.  Keep in mind that it is difficult to start a stopped animation and we have no .endOfASingleLoop flag for looping/cycling animations, although you CAN monitor animation.currentFrame in the renderLoop... watching for the animation to reach its last frame, and then do something when it does.  Good luck!

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Hi gang.  Not much new on the webGL frontier for me, but there are lots of great things happening on the forum.  Folks doing things with BJS and having a blast!  That's what it's all about.

I have been hacking on Samuel Girardin's OldMan ragdoll thing.  Sam is a "formal" programmer.  He knows his oop and his closures... and it's not an easy hack for me.  Especially considering... I'm trying to get it to the playground.  He's got about 12 separate files, each with 1-2 JS "objects" in it, and it's all very magical.  SO I had to try to put all the JS... into a single file... so I could easily use the Jerome maneuver and include it into a playground scene.

Well, I had to fight with "single file" for a while, finally realizing that the ORDER that the objects (code) are put into the single file... matters.

So, I got the single file version working at home... and I tried it in the playground... once.  http://playground.babylonjs.com/#MSNM0#1  You need to run it once, then close the error, then run it again... and it will START to load.  I'm just beginning to look into why it's failing.  http://www.visualiser.fr/Babylon/character/default.htm is the original.

Not very exciting, eh?  How about some nice pictures of me ragdolling with Sam's thing...



and sometimes I play Supersonic Sled...


Some of the finest texturing I've ever seen on a computer in MY home, that's for sure.  Wonderful demo/game, free.  Grab it if ya got the horsepower (nvidia).  (Yes, my pilot was hit by a chicken, which broke-off the pilot seat, and he landed in a less-than-optimal situation)  ;)

Hey Jerome... see those chrome tubes?  See how they stay the same radius and remain smooth around the 90 degree turns?  That's what I was talking about a LONG time ago... about being able to concentrate the path-points of your tubes... when they need to make hard turns.  The paths we use for the tubes... will need to have variable spaces between each point.  Hard to do, I bet.  Maybe better said, hard to do 'automatically'.  On the long straight tube runs, we just need a radii on each end of it.  So, we would "borrow" path points from the straight runs of a tube, and concentrate them close to each other... to make a hard 90-degree turn  (with nice rounded surface). 

It takes lots of "rings" to go around those tight curves.  But, hmm, we almost need a GUI Tube Editor to be able to build those paths/bends... eh?  Captain J's PipeBender v1.0  yay!  Radius-Ring Wrangler!  kbye

PS:  Is anyone besides me.... seeing http://playground.babylonjs.com/?14  (heightMap demo) as having broken lighting?  Info?  thx.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Delta!


Hi gang!  No real news... no fun animation demos... I have been playing with Blender 2.75.  Off topic as this may be, I created a package...




For my first-ever python script, I borrowed some code, and then expanded it.  It is a Blender "hot key examiner" or something like that.  It was written in the Blender text editor, and can be executed from there.  It can produce a text or html file with some data about all the active hotkeys in Blender.  Real-time hotkeys sniff.  :)


A note.txt is included in the zip, and a URL is in the python code... that takes you to the pertinent Blender API section.  Two hotkey files produced from my Blender 2.75 (default key set)... are also included.  If you want to run the python script in YOUR Blender, make sure you adjust the file paths per your liking, first.  I don't want anyone saving files on my machine.  ;)


Download at will.  Party on!  What?  You want a sneak peek at the html produced by the python script?  Fine.  Here ya go:)  There's lots more data/columns available... I just chose a few un-researched values.  Adjust at will.

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Hi kids!  Whelp, my mind has been on Blender and curating BabylonDocs2, lately.  (so what, Wingy?)  :)  I have invited some commenting on the latter... from another thread.  If anyone has ideas about how to make curating BD2 easier for those of us who are scared of git/nodeJS... bring 'em on, please.


A little bit about Blender.  Lately, I was quite discouraged by the huge amounts of gray-based themes for Blender... but a total lack of tooty-frooty rainbow themes.  So, I cloned one of the gray themes, named it wingy01.xml and put it into the proper themes directory.  Then I installed it and made it all colorful and girly.  Then I installed an add-on that let's you export themes... as .blt  (blender theme, not bacon, lettuce, and tomato).  But, the theme-saving addon was for Blender v2.62 and I am running 2.75... maybe alpha. So, there was lots of errors in the exporter... and thus the theme is safely saved in userprefs... but I was not able to save the theme as a .blt or .xml. 


http://urbanproductions.com/wingy/babylon/Blender/misc/blendergrab.jpg  Lookin' kind of pretty, eh?  Sure, Blender talk is a little bit off-topic, but what the heck... it's a cherished partner of BJS, right?  Party on.


PS: My latest python-generated Blender 2.75 hotkeys-list webpage... is here.  (Prettier than the last version, huh? It's almost starting to look usable.)  heh  The bad-coded python that genned it... is here.  Change from a .txt to a .py, then adjust the file path to your local drive, and then run it inside the Blender text editor.

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Hi gang!  This post is a branch-off of http://www.html5gamedevs.com/topic/16365-contributing-to-documentation-101/#entry92652 .  I get too gruesome at the bottom of this post... to put it in a popular pinned thread.


Regarding these docs... see the picture of the right-click menu (a context menu)?  It looks like about 6 things have been added to that menu during this operation.  I saw this same thing happen on my old computer, but I used Git Bash and Git Ext.  I think there's a choice during installing. 


These items are on the context menu for every file type on my entire computer.  In other words, I cluttered my context menus puter-wide.




No biggie, I guess.  There are context menu cleaners and methods... and I once did a clone of the src repo from git-bash command line, not too difficult.  No real need for context menu items.   Having them all in a single context sub-menu would be cool.  Maybe I can do that with some registry adjustings.


Paths... erf.  Paths in dos-stuff are SUCH fun!  


Arrrrrgh!!!   Ya know what?  Why can't we use a friggin' ftp folder?  I'll fix the urls on the bottom of each playpen tutorial, and put them all in an ftp incoming folder somewhere.  Then, the git-weirdos can play with their CVS junk on that folder all they want.  Do pulls, pushes, and whatever other ridiculous shit ya wanna do... have a good time. 


I can fix the urls and not have-to launch servers or play a bunch of friggin' dos prompt games.  How about that?   You guys play version control managers, and I'll fix urls and typos.  Sound good?  Wow.


It's going to become REAL simple, real soon.  If some new plans aren't set into action, then I'm going to fix docs, publish them on my buddy's webserver, tell admin it's there, and then wash my hands of it.  Curators (not me) can get it and git-publish it, or ignore it.  Maybe the gitters can tell THEIR dos apps to git-it from my buddy's webserver.  Let's see how the documentation dev team likes jumping through hoops.  Let's get EVERYONE hoop-jumping.


This all comes from a lack of discussion about the BD2 game plan.  We all know what has happened here.  A huge decision was made without community input, and it has seriously complicated some people's community tasks.  Not overly cool.  I realize that I am probably being unfair, but, I left-behind BJS src dev for this very reason... too much of a pain in the butt to contribute.  Besides, I like it better when I just show some code on the forum, and if DK thinks it's worth installing in the framework, he can do it.  If not, he won't do it.  Perfect.  That's exactly the kind of src management I like.


I must go on the defensive over this, because I (and other doc writers/fixers) are under attack.  I love our docs.  I'm proud of them.  I've done hundreds of tweaks on them.  Dk has put hundreds of hours into them.  Temechon and team have put hundreds of hours into them.  I don't want to lose co-custodianship of them.  But I am not a git lover, nor a .md lover... and everyone pertinent to this issue has known that for a long time.  So, this is an attack... and the hiding of the BD2 game plan... seems like it was intentional.  Someone correct me, please.


Yes, I know I have to cope'n'deal in the end... but I'm not going down without a fight.  :)  (boy, this coffee is STRONG!)

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I was thinking some more about submitting BJS src by showing it to DK and seeing if he thinks it's wise or not.  (boss source management, mentioned in the previous post).


Ya know, I suspect that nobody sees "the big picture" more than Deltakosh (dk).  I'm quite sure... that when I propose a change to something, nobody is better-at seeing the far-reaching ramifications/impacts of that change... than he.  If DK left the project right now... most of us would be pretty lost and lonely.  Dk IS our "sounding board".


We kind of shoved him into that role.  :)  It's his vast knowledge of the big picture.  He sees the connections of one area to another, and he knows the webGL api quite well.  He probably LIVES at Khronos. 


I have been watching some stats...  watching what percentage of forum questions can only DK answer (because he knows the connections of the big picture).  Lately, there has been lots of hard-to-answer questions.  The newbies are getting pretty advanced!  I wandered-off learning Blender a bit, and I watched Deltakosh just CHOWING through the forum questions for a few weeks.  Others were helping, too, of course. 


As I caught up with my forum reading, I could see that... had I been more active helping with forum load... I would not have made much impact.  The questions being asked... ARE HARD!!!  Friggin' smart users asking powerful questions... holy crap!   And they all have spirit and enthusiasm.  (thooze!)   "They got good thooze!"  And they're pretty patient... for being movers and shakers.  That's what it takes... in the early days of BJS.  Experimenting... patience, and digging in the docs and playgrounds.  Grinding source with your thooze! 


Attention Smart Newbies:  It's easy to ask how things are done... but... try digging/searching, too.  It's got big-time self-satisfaction factor.  :)


Ok, back to "Let's all show everything to DK!" thought.  Umm...  this community is really not built around the framework, is it?  It's built around Deltakosh.  I don't know if he necessarily likes to be our spear-header and action hero... but... it sort of comes with the territory of anyone who can see the big picture (and understand it's flows).  These "seers".. we naturally try to impress them... and make them proud of us... show them stuff we made using their tools. 


Puppy ops.  Producing art... is a personal and emotional thing.  So is "accomplishing".  There's not many tools that let you accomplish so much, so easily, as BJS.  I see artist pride quite often in the forum... and it's great, I love it.


What if... this community... gave BJS back to Deltakosh... for keeping full control, close to home?  What would that look like?  HE would totally make the call... of WHAT is part of the framework, and WHAT is an extension.  I, personally, want ONLY HIM to have that decision power... because nobody sees the big picture and the connections... as well as he does.  Plus, there's some organization preferences that HE should have the final decisions about.  (but not doc editing)  :D


I dunno.  Maybe I have module fever from studying the API of Blender.  I have been thinking about the "connections" of modules.... and how BJS has those same "connections"... but only "big picture" folk have them memorized.  For example, our cylinder basic element recently changed the way it was assembled.  That's a big change with a lot of potential ummm... "ramifications".  Impacts.  Fallout.  What's the right term?  Cascading impact... how's that?  :)


I tend to think that nobody could foresee the cascading impact of that change... better than Deltakosh.  Can you imagine how much brain space it takes... to have that big picture connection map for BJS... memorized?  Somebody check DK for tumors, eh?  :)


SO, yeah, in the face of all this torque on DK...Wingy throws a hissy fit.  :)  Sorry DK.  Sorry everyone.  But, darnit... something still has to be changed.  No hurry, but I;m going to keep thinking... and not put any of those chicken-scratch tools on-board quite yet.  I think I'll listen to reports from other doc-authors first... watch and learn for awhile.


C'mon, sing the FileZilla FTP client song with me.  Here we go...  Ohhhh... FTP is a wonderful thing, and DK can fiddle around in its folders... and pick and choose and compare til he pukes... and not get in my friggin way.  (sing it now)... ohhh...  :)

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I can just say..waoou :) But back to the documentation system: I'm still convince this is the best way for us to get more and more contributors as github and git are now a defacto standard. But I don't think it will be easier to convice you (And you have to admit that I tried a lot by creating a specific doc with screen capture and a walkthrough:))

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Hey Wingnut!


I agree with you, DK is the head main brain of the project. But you can't let every little bit on him.

Maintaining BJS is becoming quite a work, if every little change has to go through DK eyes, he will never sleep anymore. Most of the time, he merges in the main project every changes sent by other contributors, but when Temechon or Raanan (for instance) do one of that "big" merge they did it wisely. And when pull requests are sent in the projects, so many people have a look at them, check and discuss the proposal (temechon, raanan, jahow, jerome, JCP, and others...). DK has the final word, but his decisions also rely on what others validate and discuss. BJS is mostly DK's baby, but BJS is also really a community product. Look at all the latest big functionnalities, big patches, fixes, etc, they come from contributors.


You really should put your hands in git, you'll better see the whole group in action.


About FTP stuff, I don't think that would be a good way to go... git is far far more usable to maintain and follow things. On each little commit, you can directly see what precise line or character has changed, you can compare with previous version, you can even revert some part, you can follow the way each contributor work before requesting a merge, and you can see DK merging all those works.

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Install GitExtension on window, and your git quest will be a lot easier. I never have to do command lines to use git under windows with this software (except for very specific things). To follow the project or to do simple changes and pull requests you really can use only your mouse, I promise :D

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Oh and by the way, what is it complex with the first method? I mean you go to github.com, you log in, you select the md you want to edit, you edit it and you're done.

What is wrong with that? it is exactly like before (BD1) except that now we have a true comparison tool to validate updates


That pencil is not an edit button, it is a "fork this project and edit the file" button.  I've never done any git forking.  It also seems that in those days, I could create a document, too.


It's not the same as before.  I'd probably need to do a PR to get that document from the forked repo... over into mainline.  And when does PR mean PUSH REQUEST and when does it mean PULL REQUEST?  I guess pushes aren't requested... they're just pushed.  No fear-causing in those terms.  (sarcasm)


How many suggestions did I PM to BD dev team... about the last version of BD?  About 100?  About 15 suggestions were implemented. Cool.  We were halfway to decent functionality with the last attempt.  Only 5 issues remained... comparator, chopped docs, document move, dynamic TOC's, and a comment message from the editing person... about the edit.


So, I'm thinking.. the newest BD (we'll call it bd3)... has these 5 features/fixes on-board.  YAY!   Hell, I would have been happy with 3 of them being on-board.


Instead, a completely new approach, and none of my suggestions are on-board.  Ok, I (all the curators) wanted a doc comparer... and we now have one of those... so SOME suggestions happened in the newest BD.  But most of my suggestions... were not applicable to the new approach.  The suggestions were not lost intentionally, I'm not blaming anyone.  Still, it's rather disappointing.   And, due to the new approach, 3/4 of the suggestions received from the forum users... also got lost.


It's not just the hoop-jumping that has me grumpy.  It's also the loss of a lot of suggestions, and learning of the previous system, that was... not all that bad.  The previous system had a chance to make it to perfection.   It was almost good.  I have some dashed hopes (disappointments) on my platter, too, but that's my problem.  I know better than to get attached-to or used-to something.


Oh well... we're rollin' now... on a brand new road.  Front-end looks fine.  Back-end... phew.  I guess I better figure out a way to cope.  I'll probably try some .bat files to make my life easier.  I never expected to be writing .bat in 2015, but here we go, huh?  Where's my black and white tv?  I want to get the full 1960's effect as I write 1960's batch files.  :)


Thanks for all the comments, folks... I'm reading and learning... trying to get this fear and shock to go away.  :)  Sorry for all the whining. 


Oh, my brand new machine... it's going to get all DOSsy.  yech.  heh

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VP:  git is far far more usable to maintain and follow things. On each little commit, you can directly see what precise line or character has changed, you can compare with previous version, you can even revert some part, you can follow the way each contributor work before requesting a merge, and you can see DK merging all those works.


Hi VP, thanks for all your input.  I agree completely... GIT is probably great for those who need to see those things.  I don't.  I don't care about those things.  I care that the words used in tutorials... are simple... clear... translatable.  I care about documents getting too big, and about granularity, and about delivering a great help document when folks need help.... and having easy urls to get to those help documents.  (The new BD has some of these things... and that's great!) 


I care about broken urls in the docs and on the forum.  I care about things in BJS that are not yet documented.  I care about shoving the world's best webGL framework... up the nostrils and butts of as many folks as possible... and to make it feel fun.  I care about getting answers to forum questions... as fast as possible... and as detailed as possible.  I have written many tutorial-like things on the forum.... heavily fleshed because... they will be used as tutorials by future users... and help reduce forum load.


I don't care about version management... not even a little.  I hope the best of luck for those who DO manage versions... and I'm glad they now have the tools they need to do that better... but I just fix/create docs.   I didn't sign-up for version control officer.  hehe.  So you see, just give me an ftp folder somewhere... and I'll stuff crap in it from time to time.  Then the version managers can play with their little commune tools on my folder... all they want.  I won't get in their way, I promise.  They need to stay out of MY way, and I'll gladly stay out of their way. 


Simple:  Here's my proposed changes... in this ftp directory.  Here's a .txt file with a 400 page synapse of WHY I think these changes need to be made, and I can show you the exact line numbers of the changes... and tell you a paragraph about EACH change... and the phonetic philosophies behind any change of wordings and terminology used.  We can have long discussions in my proposal files... about ontologies.  I can tell you HOW my heavy use of ellipses... cause a document to have a "cadence"... song-like... poem-like... which helps people remember the information.  What else does the validator want to know about these proposed changes?  I can offer far more information about my edit reasoning... than a simple single-line "About this edit" comment.


But DK or other curators would see my big edit explanation, and think "yikes, that's a crapload of English" and just validate the change instead of knowing my reasoning behind it.  They have no time to learn Wingnut documenting philosophies.  The world is in a hurry.  In my quest to be highly-detailed, I just bog the system with the long talkings... like right now.


Anyway, these are the things I care about.  Yet I walk carefully, because I'm newbie.  And I suggest things to BD dev team... that often aren't plausible or possible.... because I'm a dreamer.  I have visions. 


I play violin sometimes.  The violin is designed in a way that your fingers automatically land in the right places on the neck... due to proper neck scaling.  That is why children's violins are 1/2 scale, teens are 3/4 scale, and adults 4/4 scale.  We don't want to stretch the fingers... no matter what the size of the hand.  We want the fingers to naturally land in the right places... all the time.  This is what I care about for BJS.  Intuitive.  I want to make BJS teach itself... possibly with the help of curiosity. I want user's fingers to land in the right places on the BJS violin neck, no matter what the experience levels (the hand size) of the user.  How's that for a dream?  But it doesn't use version management at all!  That's not my world.  That's not what I do.




I used to be a HUGE fan of RDF.  Anyone know what that is?  It's the ultimate in metadata.  But, it's XML... so it won't be found 'round these parts.  :)  Thanks for the comments.

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Hi communauty,


I hope my English will be not too bad. I hope it will be the case. else sorry.


I understand that Wingunt said. certain user does not contribute because it seems complex and single level development experts can help because it is familiar to them.

Me for example I do not use GUIHub (I discover it with BabylonJS. I am more familiar with bitbucket which is simpler for my taste) so not being familiar with GitHub, I have a hard time and the desire to help. I tell myself that it is not for me and of other person may think so.


But I also understand that for maintenance simplicity for DK, Temechon and other administrator, it is simpler to manage it all without spending too much time. If everything had to be recreated in HTMPL + PHP + JS, it would ask 3 to 6 months to develop a working full time. but in fact it would be much better and more familiar to everyone, even beginners. but it'd be a lot of work has developed.
But as wingnut, I like the transfer to FTP with .php with template system. but there is also a drawback. GIT system for doc allows for versioning and history of a file for the admin.
I also think we must be content with what we have and adapt or do something by ourselves for what we want. I find it very well this doc if it does not have to contribute. I think there is too much manipulation do to contribute. I liked the version 1 when everything was still on the wiki to help. but reference level to find and learn, this doc is good, better.


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Yeah, I agree.  Just give us a layer...  something friendly.  Dress-up that FTP folder to look just like a user doing a pull request... send your git tools after IT.... just like it were somebody's home fork.  Pretend it's my hard drive... harvest whatever you want...  and I'll keep my static.json editor parked in the garage.  :)


I would love to have a poll of the users who read DK's Tortoise doc.  How many said "that's not going to happen" right after reading it?


I bet more than 80%.  It's a gorgeous doc, great pics, perfect English, and... maybe 90% said "not going to happen".  I just bet.




Ahh, we're finally having the community discussion about the docs system that should have happened 3 months ago.  Good good good.  20/20 hindsight.  :)

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i tend to disagree on that:



comparator, chopped docs, document move, dynamic TOC's, and a comment message from the editing person


Comparator is here: this is the main reason why I think github is the right tool

Document move: this is here as well. We now have a simple file to edit to change all the structure of the site: https://github.com/BabylonJS/Documentation/blob/master/data/statics.json

dynamic TOC: already inside, check the TOC on every doc: it is dynamically created from the .MD structure

Comment message: Already here. When someone submit an update I can comment on nearly every line. Example here: https://github.com/BabylonJS/Babylon.js/pull/630 (I commented on diff file)

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Yay, I'm up to the grunt server launch point.  But in true puppy fashion, I've been peeing on my tail in fear the whole time.  :)


The only problems I've had was a mistake I made... installing Tortoise before I installed GIT.  I just had to give Tortoise the path to git.exe... worked fine.  I could also use a "NodeJS here" choice/feature on my context menus... but I'm sure I can tell nodeJS where to set its working directory... via a Windows shortcut or startup config.


Dk's docs... working fine so far.  (thx, DK)  It was also nice to see a double-click on statics.json... launch with notepad.  I did not expect that.  Statics.json is actually a cool file... I like it.


Ok... day one, hour one... not so bad.  Not so good, either, but, not so bad.  :)


DK, that list of 5 things... are the main things missing in our previous BD.  I was pointing-out that we were only 5 issues away-from perfection... with the old system.


That pull 630 page is something else.  I have never seen anything like that, before.  Thanks for showing that to me.  A complete conversation about a single commit.  I like that idea, for sure.  Really, it's imperative to have that.  I'm glad it's there.


Ok, back to reading.  Jerome once mentioned that he "sent?" extra (unnecessary) files with a PR once, and I need to read about why that happened.  Grunt-related, I suspect.   I feel like I just installed Unix for Windows.  :)   Comments welcome.

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The 'build' system is pretty amazing.  The whole BD package is there.  The npm install thing... does just that... and nicely.  Amazing.  Generate your OWN complete BD website... if wanted.  The whole "engine" is in the package.  Phew.  Seriously interesting!  I have a substantial amount of drool I'm wiping-up.  File-wrangling robotics!  Cooool.

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