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Phaser change fire function direction


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I am making my own top view game and i just added a weapon, it is a pistol,
I want to change the direction of the bullets by not using angleVelocity because if I use it, the pistol will rotate and i dont like it. i just want to change the direction of the bullets like if you click the left button, the pistol will change its direction to the left and also the bullet.

Sample Code:

      function create() {
      //some update function code...
      player = game.add.sprite(100, 390, 'player');
      weapon = game.add.weapon(ammo, 'bullet');
      weapon.bulletKillType = Phaser.Weapon.KILL_WORLD_BOUNDS;
      weapon.bulletAngleOffset = 90;
      weapon.bulletSpeed = 600;
      weapon.fireRate = 500;
      //The pistol that follow the player
      pistol = game.add.sprite(player.body.x, player.body.y, 'Pistol');
      pistol.scale.setTo(0.5, 0.5);
      weaponType = "";
      weapon.trackSprite(pistol, 0, 0, true);
      fireButton = game.input.keyboard.addKey(Phaser.Keyboard.Q);

      function update() {
      //some update function code...
      if (fireButton.isDown) {
          if(facing == "left") {
             weapon.fire(); //I want this to fire in the left direction
          } else if(facing == "right") {
             weapon.fire(); //I want this to fire in the right direction
          } else if(facing == "up") {
             weapon.fire(); //I want this to fire in the up direction
          } else if(facing == "down") {
            weapon.fire(); //I want this to fire in the down direction


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if (fireButton.isDown) {
    if (facing == "left") {
        weapon.fireAngle = Phaser.ANGLE_LEFT;
    } else if (facing == "right") {
        weapon.fireAngle = Phaser.ANGLE_RIGHT;
    } else if (facing == "up") {
        weapon.fireAngle = Phaser.ANGLE_UP;
    } else if (facing == "down") {
        weapon.fireAngle = Phaser.ANGLE_DOWN;


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