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if Camera position, then skybox1


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4 hours ago, Noyogi said:


There are 9 skyboxes

Looking for:

When camera is in skybox, skybox-skybox4 and skybox 9 are active, skybox5-8 are not

When camera is in or enters skybox2, skybox is disabled or total alpha or false and skybox5 becomes live where skybox used to be

OK. I'm not sure what you're objective for the scene is, but as far as SEEING all of the skyboxes:


I adjusted the x positions so they would all line up 1-9. I think you just had some on top of each other in their position. (also adjusted the camera position so you can see them while you're figuring it out...

	skybox.position.x = -80;

I fixed all the names to properly number them "skybox3, skybox4, skybox5," etc. In your copying and pasting, you had some repeating names.  That way you can see them when you click the button that says "debug" layer.  (for some reason i had to click the button twice for the menus to show.). Once you do that, check "clickable labels", and "meshes tree", and you can see all of them labelled side by side.

    var skybox2 = BABYLON.Mesh.CreateBox("skyBox2", 20, scene);

Not really seeing anything else interactive here, so I"m hoping that helps...however you're going to move them around, you can use the labels in the debug layer to see where they are...

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Hey, me too.  :)


Slightly different, s1-s4 on the bottom, s5-s8 on the top... 9 hanging out on the end.  I didn't repair any names... but I fleshed s1-s4 with different skybox gfx.  I wanted to make sure Noyogi had maximum load-time for his $$$.  :)

Last time anyone had this many skyboxes setEnabled(true) in a single scene, we later learned they had escaped from a mental institution.  :D

Not much cordiality either... no hello, no pleases, no thank you's, just ... "this is what I want".  hmm. 

I suspect that we might have to toilet paper his house... come Halloween night.  ;)

Did ya notice the 50% transparencies, @webGLmmk?  Might indicate that he wants two skyboxes at each location, and if so, he would want s1-s4 located identical to s5-s8.  It will be interesting to see if he is going to "nav" the camera/player from one skybox to another, as if they were rooms.  I wonder if he'll use intersectsMesh() and add a property to camera called .withinWhichSkybox.  :)

I think he added s9 at the last minute, just to confuse us all.  :)

Anyway, I have the folks from the mental institution standing-by with straight-jackets, just in case we need them.  heh

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@webGLmmk thank you for your time and effort

@Wingnut right you are, no hello, no please, however rewarding a person with free toilet paper is hardly any kind of punishment, here at the ward toilet paper is a square a day privalege

you have an eloquent way of answering a question, thank you

and s9 should have been s5 with no alternate, cause there's only one way to perceive s5

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