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Import a model created in MakeHuman


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Hello !


I created a model with the free software Make Human.

I imported it in Blender with the plugin MHX2, it looked great.

I exported it in the babylon format.


But in Babylon, the shoes are not just under the body, they are a little far away. 

Do you face the same issue ?




Thank you in advance.


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@getzel : those shoes are a long way from the body!!:o

Not run into that in my work with MH figures. (see image below). Those are the "classic_shoes_lres" from MH.

Are you using any kind of MH user contributed asset for your shoes?

Can you post the blend file so I can have a look?

Ohh and welcome to the forum :)

cheers, gryff :)


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Thank you.


Oh it is ok.

In fact, there are several meshes and in the code I moved only one mesh (the shoes).

I had to join (CTRL+J) all objects in Blender to form one mesh !


First step complete :)

It is a little late here. Tomorrow I will try to animate it (walk) in Babylon.

The problem is : the BVH files are moving in space. But I saw one topic about it with a software.

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1 hour ago, getzel said:

In fact, there are several meshes and in the code I moved only one mesh (the shoes).

Well @getzel : the image above is from a MH figure of mine viewed in my web browser - it has 7 meshes attached to the rig and I had no need to join/merge them. Just make sure they all have the same origin at 0,0,0. The rig too.

Did you move only one of the meshes in your javascript code? Or did you move it in Blender?

As for bvh files added using the MakeWalk plugin - let me know how you get on. Think I have seen most problems :o

cheers, gryff :)

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Maybe it's a good practice to make one invisible mesh in Blender (or in babylon) and attach all the meshes of the body to it, to be able to move all the character and in the same time control one specific part of the body.

I moved the shoes in JS code.

So for animation, I followed this working clear tutorial. 

I used MHX2 exporter and importer, not collada.

You need to put the plugin from Makehuman folder : Makewalk in Blender addon.

You make your model in makehuman with mocap skeleton.

You download a mocap bvh in the link.

In Blender, you select the armature of your model and go on Makewalk panel to load anim, for example the first zip and 02-01 (walk).

And tada ! Your model is walking, even in Babylon with scene.beginAnimation(skeleton[0], 0, 100, true, 1.0).


But the only problem is : the common bvh files are moving in space and are not designed for video games.
I saw a topic about that so I will look forward.



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3 hours ago, getzel said:

I used MHX2 exporter and importer, not collada.

@getzel: thats what I do :) However, choose the right scale to export - "decimeters". I looks like the guy in the video did not - and ends up with a model in Blender that has a width between his feet of 2 BJS unit cubes.


3 hours ago, getzel said:

You make your model in makehuman with mocap skeleton.

Yes - but look for a skeleton with a low number of bones. In MH1.02 I use the "game rig", in MH1.1 I use the "CMU rig"


3 hours ago, getzel said:

You download a mocap bvh in the link.

Yes. I have a lot of the CMU files. And they work fine.


3 hours ago, getzel said:

But the only problem is : the common bvh files are moving in space and are not designed for video games.

Yes, so you have to start editing the mocap files. A free handy tool for this is bvhacker . Watch tutorial 3 for some of the things it can easily do.

The image below shows you some of the initial things I do before anything else. With hips selected:

1. aquamarine rectangles -  "Center" and "NoOffset" buttons  that puts the starting position at x=0, y=0 (in Blender) for the animation

2. green rectangles - different mocap files may be recorded at different frame rates. The CMU files are at 120fps, so hit the "1/2 sample" button twice that will take the frame rate to 30fps

3. red rectangles - with the hips selected and the "Translation mode" radio button checked, click the X and Z buttons. The animation now runs on the spot

If you look at the Tutorial 3 that I mentioned - it takes a walking waving animation and converts it to a standing still but waving animation. Your "moving in space" issue?

You can also use the "Mark 1 and 2, Crop and Knit" buttons to create animation loops. Then save your edited file and use it with MakeWalk.

Once I started using it to make animations for Second Life - it became my tool of first choice to look at and edit bvh files.


cheers, gryff :)



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@gryff Waho you're very nice, it works with Hack hips 0 translation.

Yea I wanted the bones to not move with translation but only rotation.


I do a walk cycle between 1 (0 is t-pose) and 32 for 02-01 of the first zip file of mocap link.

The legs are fluid. but there is a little dirty move of the hand and head. Maybe the BVH is not made to work in cycle (for video game) because its not only one cycle left/right foot.

Maybe I will have to change the animation by myself or make a new one. It's not the most difficult thing.



I'm curious about facial expressions.

I see that I can change the face in detail in Blender with the Makehuman model.

If I use the default skeleton export, I can have the face panel with a lot of pose expressions predefined.


What is the good process in Babylon if I want to create a character who can close his eyes, talk, smile etc ?

Make shape keys in Blender and activate it with Babylon morph class ?

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4 hours ago, getzel said:

but there is a little dirty move of the hand and head.

The MakeWalk plugin allows you to modify some or all of the frames values for specific bones


4 hours ago, getzel said:

If I use the default skeleton export, I can have the face panel with a lot of pose expressions predefined.

The default skeleton from MH1.1 has 163 bones if I remember. You should be looking at less than 40 (probably less than 30 for mobile devices).

4 hours ago, getzel said:

Make shape keys in Blender and activate it with Babylon morph class ?

Never worked with shape keys, but the Tower Of Babel  exporter that @JCPalmer has been developing does.

cheers, gryff :)

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