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Assets Manager conditional load


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Hi Everyone !

I'm currently trying to use the babylon assets manager to do some conditionnal loading. I want to to this:

- Load a text file using the assets manager

---Read the text file and find some urls inside it.

-----Load these urls as textures using the babylon assets manager

-----When loaded, trigger the on finish event in the loader


Right now, I can do easily those parts separatly, but when i try to mix them, the onFinish event from the assets loader triggers when the text file is loaded (logic, it's the only thing in the loader at the moment). I want to delay it, if it's possible, until I've found the new things to put in the loading queue.


Anyway, I can do this un an "ugly" way, but there is probably a more elegant build-in way of using the Babylon assets loader to fill this purpose.

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I haven't found what i was looking for on the sponza demo.

This is an exemple of what I want :

this._assets["task1"] = this._assetsManager.addTextFileTask("resourcesmap", http://localhost/api/" + "resourcesmap");
this._assets["task1"].onSuccess = function(task) {
    let json = JSON.parse(task["text"]);
    for(let i = 0; i < json.length; i ++) {
        let current = json[i];
        let textureUrl = current.textureUrl;

        if (textureUrl) {
            let id = current.id;

            self._assets[id] = self._assetsManager.addTextureTask(id, "http://localhost/textures/" + textureUrl, true, false);

this._assetsManager.onFinish = function () {
    window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("All Assets Loaded"));

The behaviour I would like to have is the following :

- Task1 loads and end

- the json is parsed

- the textures are loaded

- the custom event All Assets Loaded is triggered


The behaviour I have is the following:

- Task1 loads and end

- the custom event All Assets Loaded is triggered

- the textures are never loaded


The problem comes from : 

In the assets Manager, the load function checks the length of all the tasks and never refreshes it. I don't think I have a clean solution to solve that problem, I'm going to extend the class and craft something myself. If anyone is interested by it, say it and I will share it.

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@Quadear I was able to do this by code:

var assets = loader.addTextFileTask("", "/static/assets.json")
loader.onFinish = function (tasks) {
    assets = JSON.parse(assets.text);

load = function() {
    for (var i in assets.textures) {
        assets.textures[i] = loader.addTextureTask("", "/static/"+assets.textures[i]);
    loader.onFinish = function (tasks) {
        console.log("Done! Textures loaded!");


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