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Change uv coordinates with Dyn. Textures


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Hello @Onit, welcome to forum.  http://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#TYAHX#63

Does that look better?

I changed the Y value in line 11... to be 80.

You could also use texture.uOffset and .vOffset.

And yes, you COULD even use mesh uvs, but that's a lot of work.  Here is a demo that does that...


I only moved the front side uvs.  I was too lazy to move all sides.  :)

Hope this helps.  Welcome again!  Good to have you with us.

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Thank you for your kind answer and sorry for my late reply.

You showed me how to translate a face using uvs. Instead how can uvs to set a different rotation to each face so that the one in each side becomes oriented in the right way.

If i use wang it rotates the texture not the face.

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Hi Onit... sorry about that.

I don't know if that is possible.  Perhaps need to make a box... from six planes (parented-together instances of a single textured plane).  I have never tried to rotate one face's texture... of a textured box. :o

Just the same, here is playground that uses a box with a faceUV setting.  It comes from the createXXX tutorial.


Lines 16-22 should give you all the experimenting power that you need.  Sorry that I don't have more info.  Perhaps others will comment soon.

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Hi again.  Just in case you would be okay-with a 6-plane box, I made one.  In fact, I made a machine that makes them.  I give it to you, now.


Onit's Box Maker function - version 1.0

Your ONE STOP for quality 6-plane boxes (with correctly-oriented text)... at honest prices.  :D

There may be easier ways to do this... but... I needed a playground to work-on while I ate lunch, so I chose you.  ;)

.position of the box... uses the master plane's position (I think).  Perhaps my pivotPoint moving... in line 40... changed that.  But maybe not.  I didn't test.

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