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Manipulation of Skinned Vertices


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Hi all,

some months back i started a post here about bone scaling of characters and learned that this is impossible in babylon (at least without heavy computing hacks).

Actually i wrote a morph system where players can customize their look with interpolated blendshapes, such as facial details, muscles etc.
That works pretty good, babylon is super fast in vertex manipulation and i think it could work even in production.

Just there is one major issue i am dealing with and hope to get some hints here for a solution.
Part of character customization is even skinned attachments such as clothings and props, that even work nice with babylon.

So as example for my problem, i have a t-shirt asset that was originally skinned to the base dresspose of the player character.
After a player applied some custom morphs to the upper body, as example to the arm muscles, the tshirt does not fit anymore.

This is because the vertices positions of the arms changed, but the shirt was skinned to the characters original dresspose.

Theres lots of games out there that solved this issue somehow, probably with some algo to align the tshirts vertices based on the changes made to the base mesh of the character.

I was searching for such an algo, but cortana has no answer for me :)

Maybe someone here knows more about this and could give me a hint?



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2 hours ago, hen said:

Actually i wrote a morph system where players can customize their look with interpolated blendshapes, such as facial details

@hen : That sounds interesting hen. Any chance of seeing it in action?

I'm no coder so I have only one suggestion - can the clothing item be merged with the body and the whole combined mesh manipulated? Or would that interfere with people trying to chose different clothes?

And maybe not - the shape keys would still only influence the original mesh verts :unsure:

cheers, gryff :)

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8 minutes ago, gryff said:

@hen : That sounds interesting hen. Any chance of seeing it in action?

I'm no coder so I have only one suggestion - can the clothing item be merged with the body and the whole combined mesh manipulated? Or would that interfere with people trying to chose different clothes?

cheers, gryff :)

i posted a video long time ago when i did first testings. 
The mesh isnt cute, but it shows that it works :)

I will publish a live version of our app once the problem described above is solved, because right now we work with  dummy mesh.

Merge of the skinned attachment is actually not possible when doing morphs.
Actually i think its might be possible to add a convex mesh on the modified character body and to modify attachments from the diffs..  but hell.. this is so complicated :)



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