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PBR from existing material


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Is there a way to transfer (some) properties of a Material imported from .babylon when constructing a pbr material? 

I looked into ambientColor and diffuseColor and they don't seem to provide an answer. For example, I have an object with greenish surface (ambient = [0.4, 0.8, 0.6], diffuse = [0.2, 0.43, 0.3]). But when I try to use these as a reflectivityColor, I get very unexpected results. By trial and error, I used reflectivityColor = [0.7, 1, 0.5] to get that greenish surface.

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Hmm, I don't think it's possible, even pertinent. Using PBR is a different way to think materials. For example, the ambientColor equivalent in PBR is the environment color. I think you can't avoid to completely reset all your materials.

Am I wrong ?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Upon reflection, i'm agree that it could be cool if we can tell to BJS to convert or rather switch all StdMaterial scene to a PBRmaterial scene, even by loosing color information or texture assignation (but some info could be keep, like diffuseTexture > albedoTexture, normalMap > normalMap, etc).

On tutorials we see how to create then assign a PBRmaterial to an object ; but when we use a file exported from a 3d modeler it's a pain to loose every materials and to reassign one by one to many objects (often with several subMaterials, just to simplify things). But it seems more logical that this conversion happens on the 3d modeler exporter, isn't it ? That's where my skills ends :ph34r:

I've said above that blender PBR viewport will be in 2.78, but i was wrong, it's in fact planned for 2.8... But it will be still very fucking cool if we could export as WYSIWYG to BJS later ! :)


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