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I need help with SAT response


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So, I'm sure some of you have heard that I'm working up a web worker and Physics Tutorial...
I swear in the end this is gonna be all BJS related... I just gotta get to that point first.

Umm Ive kinda ran into a thing that I'm having trouble wrapping my mind around... https://pryme8.github.io/fishsticks/
so I know its glitchy, and I have not told it what to do when both objects have mass that's why it freaks out when the little balls collide...

but um how exactly do I get the distance I need to separate my objects after the collision?

Core.Test.Circle2Circle = function (a, b, preCalc) {

    var differenceV = b.position.clone().subtract(a.position);	
    var totalRadius = a.body.radius + b.body.radius;
    var totalRadiusSq = totalRadius * totalRadius;
    var distanceSq = differenceV.len2();
    if (distanceSq > totalRadiusSq) {
      return false;
	var response = {};
      var dist = Math.sqrt(distanceSq);
      response.a = a;
      response.b = b;
      response.overlap = totalRadius - dist;
      response.overlapN = differenceV.clone().normalize();
      response.overlapV = differenceV.clone().scale(response.overlap);
      response.aInB= a.body.radius <= b.body.radius && dist <= b.body.radius - a.body.radius;
      response.bInA = b.body.radius <= a.body.radius && dist <= a.body.radius - b.body.radius;
    return response;

is the function generating the hit results for sphere on sphere action ^_^... umm I have everything I can think of... and tried doing it the way I thought I was supposed to which was take the overlapN and scale it by the overlap... which should give me the amount that the two need to separate...  but when I do that the ball makes a HUGE jump off the bottom ball...

I scaled the overlap normal by 10 just to see if that would work and it did (for general purposes), but before I start programing in bounciness and friction, was really hoping to get a more accurate separation distance.

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that made me want to smile and frown at the same tie >_<

Figure it out:
p = calc.newPos.clone().subtract(hit.overlapV);
v = calc.newVel.clone().reflect(hit.overlapN);

My collision prediction works for pretty fast moving objects, but ill include the option to do substeps if you need things that are really fast... Convex and Non-Convex Polygon support soon.

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