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HTC Vive and Chromium


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I have a HTC Vive and want to get any babylon-made thing run on it. I get some other WebGL-demos running within the vive but not a babylon example yet.

For now I've downloaded a chromium version https://webvr.info/get-chrome/and enabled the flag "webVR" as it's written in the readme: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1g02qHfX85vSRSOkWm9k33I0b7VuyN79md9U9t6MIa4E/edit

The link http://media.tojicode.com/q3bsp/ shows a quake 3 level and ONLY IN CHROMIUM, in the settings at the bottom right there is a button for "VR" (between "showFPS" and "Fullscreen"). On https://webvr.info/samples/ are some other examples. They are throwing the canvas-view to the Vive so I can really see it in 3d.

But how do I get my Babylon.scene (in other words my HTML-Canvas) run within the Vive (and not just within the desktop-browser)?

Thanks for help!


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I'm so glad the Vive works ☺ the vice is such an amazing device.

About the controllers - according to the specs, you can use the devices as gamepads, using the same API. The game pad API was extended or should be extended) with device id that correlates to the device presenting. But this is in the specs. I haven't checked thou ☺ is on my to-do list.

If you found something that's working, would be great to see a live demo!

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Nice to hear that you're gonna look at that  topic! 

I've read some stuff about it like https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebVR_API/Using_the_WebVR_API   -   https://github.com/borismus/webvr-boilerplate

   -   https://github.com/donmccurdy/aframe-extras/tree/master/src/misc   -   https://github.com/bryik/aframe-vive-cursor-component and so on ...

I did some tries to adapt it onto babylon. But unfortunatley the Vive is in the office so I can't test it at home :-(

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I don't understand what I miss. This basic scene have a webVR which works and collect correctly the orientation of the vive, but when I switch to fullscreen, it works only on screen desktop, and nothing append on the vive.

I run chromium build 55.0.2842.0 (64-bit), Vive home & SteamVR are launched, win 10 64b, scene tested locally (with --disable-web-security --allow-file-access-from-files on chrome) and online. I tested to switch fullscreen with F11 key or with the button included in the html.

Where am I wrong ?

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Can someone explain the exact steps needed to get a Babylonjs project working on Vive?  I've spent hours with no success.  I have SteamVR running, I have a Babylonjs project with a WebFreeVR camera attached to the canvas, I have Chromium version with vr enabled.....NOTHING WORKS!!!!

This thread needs more.  I really want to show my babylonjs project to the Vive community, but I need to be able to see it working.

In short, can someone explain exact details in order (e.g. launch SteamVR first, open Chromium, download this example babylonjs zip demo, go to fullscreen, then....????).  I can get some of the threejs demos working on the Vive, so there must be something in the scripts.  I tried this project specified above (https://www.nothing-is-3d.com/paste/?d10ac1b4d96ecf5d#H2qsi6sAjlF/byRXBkDScauiEkNMI7S2MuN7WKB1oIA=), but still no head tracking of any kind after clicking the "FullScreen" button.

Thank you so much.  Your help will enable the community to promote both Babylon and the Vive which benefits all of us.


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I would build a polyfill to accomplish the following:

  1. Run the game on desktop first. It won't work in VR first time.
  2. Go through the login/account setup process and start the game.
  3. Goto control options and find the "Reset HMD" option and bind a key or button to it. (You can do this later like I did, but it's much easier to do it now on the desktop.
  4. Goto graphics options and find the 3D display option. Change it to headset (headphones). I can't remember if it needed a restart after this point.
  5. Put Vive on.
  6. Once in the game, press your reset HMD key/button.

But if you simply want to get it working, andundertstand the process, the process above works (not created by me)


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Thank you so much for you response, dbawel.  Definitely want to get to that point of creating polyfills, but right now I'm just tryinig to get to the point of seeing any babylonjs project in VR.  Here's my understanding of what should work (and if it doesn't work for only me, perhaps it relates to my OS, GPU drivers, etc.):

1.  Downloaded example here: https://www.nothing-is-3d.com/paste/?d10ac1b4d96ecf5d#H2qsi6sAjlF/byRXBkDScauiEkNMI7S2MuN7WKB1oIA=

2. Downloaded babylonjs to root directory of location in 1.  Note, I tried both babylonjs versions 2.4 and 2.5.

3. Downloaded chromium (note: tried both versions 1.0 and 1.1).

4. In chromium, enabled VR flag

5. Open SteamVR to get Vive active

5. Launched the *.html file in 1) and can see the side by side of the mesh example on my monitor (and in desktop view on Vive)

6. Clicked the "Full Screen" button in lower left after waiting 5ish seconds...(this is where I expect tracking/viewing to be seen in Vive, but alas...).

Note: I have no problem seeing the threejs examples on Vive.  For example, this boilerplate (https://borismus.github.io/webvr-boilerplate/).

If what I wrote about above SHOULD work and works for others, I'm at a loss.





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Hi @forlaunchcast , 

have you tried this chromium? https://webvr.info/get-chrome/ . This is a special VR-Ready build. This is the only one I am using to test WebVR.

My simple WebVR scene (the one I am using for testing) is this - http://raananweber.com/orientation/webvr/ . this opens SteamVR automatically and starts broadcasting to the headset when you press "enable WebVR".

Check the console for errors, and also try running this in your console:

navigator.getVRDisplays().then(function(devices) { console.log(devices);})

What is the output?


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Yes!  Thanks, RaananW.  I just put the url into the vr-enabled chromium build and it immediately launched SteamVR.  Clicking the "Enable VR" had me looking at the texture-free meshes with room scale.  Fantastic job, kind sir.  This is exactly what I was looking for and can't wait to try to implement in a babylonjs-based project!  Nothing like injecting some adrenaline into my hobby endeavors!!!!

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  • 7 months later...

Hey guys!  I was messing around with some of this WebVR Vive stuff and it's pretty exciting!  I was wondering, maybe I'm crazy, are the minZ and maxZ variables on the WebVRFreeCamera broken?  I've been messing with them and they don't seem to modify the clipping planes at all.

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