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Lines Between Cloned Meshes


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Hi @Nabroski, Thanks :)

i wasn't sure how many lines you were after..

The following PG draws lines between ALL spheres, each sphere has a line to all other spheres^^
Warning; might be too intensive for low-end devices

The following PG draws 2 lines per sphere, from one sphere and to a third sphere.


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This is pretty awesome, i already will use it! 

Do you think, it is also possible to clone the particel system, so each clonespehre has a connection, 
like a fireball going from one to an other clone, 

i working on a animation, their is information send, from one to an other, like in the brain, or something
that's why i'm asking.


edit @aWeirdo

do you also know how to update the position dynamicly line is going from one to an other ...with framerate


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sorry but you are the man of hour

I made a slightly more attractive playground to play with

i need the ufo position updated through the line array you show me

i also need to draw a limacon :) updatebel (with animation)


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@jerome this is not a line, more a predefined shape of an untalented artist. 

Dear @Wingnut

if you find any time, i need to draw a line, from - to point (animation) like in real life ... (but this is optional)

MORE IMPORTANT i need a animation of an object between those lines:

If you dont have any time to spend on this, you can tell me whats the math behind it, Vector current -Vector past ? 

Thank you, and then we smoke the good stuff



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Wow, @Nabroski... I'm honored that you would ping ME about programming.  I think you are 5x better programmer than I.  But, yes, I probably have more time to do some research.... than you do.

But this is not an easy challenge.

To try to clarify, you need a fireball... to travel a shaky, wiggly Path3d... from one planet to another?

Maybe the fireball/datapacket is TRYING to use a straight line... but space-time distortions... constantly try to make it go off-course?  Does that sound like a good description?

Like a continuous fight between "travel straight path people" and "randomly applyImpulse people"... during the whole traversal/trip?

Coooool!  The fireball packet is trying to make a straight-line trip, but it is SO DRUNK that... well... you get the idea.

Does that sound correct?  Maybe there IS NO lines between the planets, but the drunken fireball leaves a "con trail" (possibly of particles) behind it... showing everyone the drunken path it has taken so far?  The con-trail stays in place.... after the trip is complete?

SO many questions I have, huh?  (sorry).  But yeah, I'd be glad to give this some thought and provide some bad-programmer-Wingnut ideas/tests.  I do those well.  :D

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Oh, I get it... http://babylonjs-playground.com/#VNE2Z#8

That is the drunken path?  :)  Yeah, that planet-to-planet pilot is a space-road-hazard.  Something is going to animate along this path?

Some city taxi drivers use paths like these... to make lots of money.  heh

Anyway, continue-on, guys... I'm still reading/learning what is objective.

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What are you trying to actually accomplished finished product wise with the lines?

If your just trying to connect two points and have them update where they are connected to register before the scene a function that takes the postions that you want to connect to so

On scene creation:var line = BABYLON.Mesh.CreateLines("lines", path, scene, true);

On register loop:
var path = [objA.position(), objB.position()];
line = BABYLON.Mesh.CreateLines(null, path, null, null, line );

2 months huh? way to find your niche.  Let me know if I ever speak latin then and ill be sure to translate.

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haha I am so confused what is going on in that scene lol

OHH HOLY CRAP!> your gonna ask a girl to marry you with this?

Uber bro, umm yeah let me know what you need!

You wont need to connect the points you need the ufo to go to at all.  All you will need to do is lern how to LERP;
You could prolly make it happen with an animation as well!

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