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Better FPS camera hit detection and physics.


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So I can totally do the normal ellipsoid camera movements and the same system as demonstrated by http://www.babylonjs.com/Demos/Espilit/
But Im really running into problems with making this handle like a real FPS controller, like with stepping over things, and how it handles slopes.

What would be a better solution? a Ray casting system, or strap a simple object inside of like Cannon and do a mesh hit detection on a hidden capsule...  Whats the best option?  I want something smooth and dynamic.

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Use the bullet physics javascript port.


It's a haxe port, but you can find a javascript file ammo.js there. It's automatically ported from C++ to JS with Emscripten. It needs some time to get into it, but then you have first class physics. It's used btw in Blender.

You can create a single physics body out of your terrain vertices data. If you want to try it I can show you how to use it, I played around a little with it  and know how to make physic bodies out of indices and vertices. It's a little bit complicated first.

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I forgot I did a physics controller for this... porting it over now for FPS.


So I need help... for some reason im drawing a mental block on how to get my speeds play into effect on the forward vector

			player_box.body.grounded = true;
			player_box.body.grounded = false;	
				if(player.speed.f < settings.speeds.normal.f){
					player.speed.f += settings.accel;
				player.speed.f = settings.speeds.normal.f;
			}else if(keys.s){
				if(player.speed.f > settings.speeds.normal.b){
					player.speed.f -= settings.accel;
				player.speed.f = settings.speeds.normal.b;
				if(player.speed.s > settings.speeds.normal.s*-1){
					player.speed.s -= settings.accel;
				player.speed.s = settings.speeds.normal.s*-1;
			if(keys.d ){
				if(player.speed.s < settings.speeds.normal.s){
					player.speed.s += settings.accel;
				player.speed.s = settings.speeds.normal.s;
				if(player.speed.f<0.05 && player.speed.f > -0.05){
					player.speed.f = 0;
				if(player.speed.s<0.05 && player.speed.s > -0.05){
					player.speed.s = 0;
				var forward = v3(player.speed.s,0,player.speed.f).subtract(scene.activeCamera.upVector).normalize();
			player_box.body.velocity.x = forward.x;
			player_box.body.velocity.z = forward.z;

This example lets you move around forward backwards ect correctly but does not take the cameras current forward into account.


var forward = scene.activeCamera.getTarget().subtract(scene.activeCamera.position).normalize();

replacing forward with this, makes the direction of movement correct, but it is constant, and the speed restraints do not come into effect.

forward.x*= player.speed.s; forward.z*=player.speed.f;
but that makes things act really funky.

any ideas?

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