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Passing textures to CubeTexture


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If I understand correctly - the texture's raw data isn't cached in bjs internal caching system, is that correct?

If so, would adding a cacheRaw: boolean flag to AssetsManager/addTextureTask() be possible for you?

On the short run I can of course do what you suggested, but it'd be nice to see a cleaner solution implemented into bjs core.

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Sorry about that, I'll stop pinging you :)

So assuming I got you right - the raw data of textures related to CubeTexture is only uploaded to the GPU, and it's done only once a CubeTexture object is created with those textures for the first time.

Why not have an option to mark in assets manager textures with cacheRaw: boolean, that when set to true - will upload them to the GPU once they are loaded. No need to store on CPU side.

It'd do the exact same job as when creating a new CubeTexture instance, just without the delay and image reload.

Of course like I said, the user will be able to manually select which texture's raw data will be uploaded to the GPU once it's loaded (cacheRaw: boolean will default to false).

It's possibly a minor tweak that's not worth the work from your point of view, but assuming that's not the case, what I wrote above would be more efficient in my opinion, unless I'm misunderstanding something (which is highly possible).

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On 31.8.2016 at 11:00 PM, royibernthal said:

It looks related but for some reason my problem persists. Would you be able to take a closer look at this isolated project I made for you?

https://www.dropbox.com/s/fqecy3ovbujjpn5/Babylon Loading Texture Test.zip?dl=1


Maybe i can help i downloaded your file, and it looks great,

what is the issue ?


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I don't think so, unless I'm missing something.

This previous reply of mine should help you understand the issue:

On 9/14/2016 at 0:20 AM, royibernthal said:

the raw data of textures related to CubeTexture is only uploaded to the GPU, and it's done only once a CubeTexture object is created with those textures for the first time.

Why not have an option to mark in assets manager textures with cacheRaw: boolean, that when set to true - will upload them to the GPU once they are loaded. No need to store on CPU side.

It'd do the exact same job as when creating a new CubeTexture instance, just without the delay and image reload.

Of course like I said, the user will be able to manually select which texture's raw data will be uploaded to the GPU once it's loaded (cacheRaw: boolean will default to false).


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