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why we define an object name


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let's say we added a sphere:

var sphere = BABYLON.Mesh.CreateSphere("sphere1", 16, 2, scene);

we already have access to the variable name "sphere", but why we define an object name "sphere1", where it is useful and how we can access it, can anyone provide an example?


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Also a note - you define an id, not a name. which is then copied to the name as well. Both can be changed.

This is, as Adam said, for the sake of organization. And notice that it is not unique. This about "name" as "class" in HTML . you can filter according to ID, to class, to tags, to uniqueId. And of course you can always keep a reference and never use those parameters. It's your call.

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they are actually the same. The variable is called name (i remember it was ID, but I am getting old, apparently), and is being set as both id and name :


So, all in all, the documentation is more right than me :) 

But that doesn't change the way to use those. Both id and name can be used to filter nodes when working with a large number of them


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