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best resolution for playstore and applestore ?


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  1. what's the best value for width and height for the render screen in phaser ?
  2. what's the best ratio to be cross-platform for the playstore and applestore ?
  3. how do you have a good resolution for model like ipad air 2048/1536, and other models like phones with lower resolution ?
  4. i imagine start with 1920/1080 like the iphone 6s...is it a good idea ?

thanks for yours feedbacks.

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3 hours ago, espace3d said:

In fact i don't really understand your question....is it possible to have a web app that can be distributed to playstore and applestore ?


Yes it is. You put the app on a website and then wrap it inside of a native app kinda like an iframe. The app would require an internet connection to work tho. On android you can do this with cordova.I don't know how to make it on apple. The advantage is that if you do it this way, then it wont matter in what you have written the webapp because it will always be loaded as a webpage.

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hi bruno,

i have a 6.8" phone and yes it looks good.

Do you ise inkscape for svg ? i work main with gimp, inkscape for me looks very hard to use....

Is not to big image in comparaison with png ?

How do you publish your game...Cordova...cocoon js  ?

With wich ads plugin ?


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Use code:

var configuration = {
    'render' : Phaser.CANVAS,   // Render type
    'canvas_width_max' : 2048,  // The maximum width of the canvas
    'canvas_width' : 1000,      // The width of the canvas
    'canvas_height_max' : 2048, // The maximum height of the canvas
    'canvas_height' : 650,      // The height of the canvas
    'scale_ratio' : 1,          // Scaling factor
    'aspect_ratio' : 1,         // Aspect ratio

// Calculate the scaling factor and the aspect ratio
configuration.canvas_width = window.screen.availWidth * window.devicePixelRatio;
configuration.canvas_height = window.screen.availHeight * window.devicePixelRatio;
configuration.aspect_ratio = configuration.canvas_width / configuration.canvas_height;
if (configuration.aspect_ratio < 1) configuration.scale_ratio = configuration.canvas_height / configuration.canvas_height_max;
else configuration.scale_ratio = configuration.canvas_width / configuration.canvas_width_max;

game = new Phaser.Game(configuration.canvas_width, configuration.canvas_height, configuration.render, 'gamewindow', { preload: preload, create: create, update: update, render: render });

player = game.add.sprite(game.world.centerX, game.world.centerY, 'player');


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2 hours ago, espace3d said:

hi bruno,

i have a 6.8" phone and yes it looks good.

Do you ise inkscape for svg ? i work main with gimp, inkscape for me looks very hard to use....

Is not to big image in comparaison with png ?

How do you publish your game...Cordova...cocoon js  ?

With wich ads plugin ?


The SVG images were made in adobe illustrator, but you can use another. The filesize is smaller, SVG are text files with xml, very little space needed.

Its a cordova/crosswalk application.

The ads plugin is admob pro for cordova.

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