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Hybrid Adroid + Cordova App for phaser game.


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I made this https://cadsotic.eu/amazeball/ game a little while ago, and I'm pretty happy with it so I thought I'd try and port it to android as a hybrid app with cordova. Initially I've tried the adobe https://build.phonegap.com/apps phonegap cloud suite but, I'm using device orientation API and can't figure out how to make it in the cloud. So I decided I'd do it the "real dev" way and just compile everything from scratch, and that's where I hit a wall. I find the whole process to be very cumbersome and I was expecting it to be easy. 

I looked up a few tutorials and this one https://auth0.com/blog/converting-your-web-app-to-mobile/ seemed very promising and I managed to add the hosted webpage as an app(but it's mostly just an website redirect and not a real app by my standard), so.. I'm failing at making the actual standalone app without the internet connection.

The main problem is that I want to add native features ( device orientation) and I can't find any guides that use it.

Can anyone point me in the right direction where I can save some time and not read the entire http://cordova.apache.org/docs/en/6.x/reference/cordova-plugin-device-orientation/index.html#navigatorcompassgetcurrentheading documentation?

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