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Samsung GearVRf and babylon js


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Anyone on the team familiar with this?

I just got a the bug for VR and was wondering its even possible for babylon js to support something like this. www.gearvrf.org has more info. 

There is a developer guide to Writting Basic GearVRf application that might tell someone who knows if its possible. 

Wonder how many people would be interested in Gear VR interface as well. 



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@chicagobob123 -

I just checked out  www.gearvrf.org  and it looks like it's worth spending some time with right now. I don't have much personal faith in the future of this, however, there appear to be some vavluable info and possible tools available already. I hope others on this forum (anyone who owns a GearVR and/or Google Cardboard) takes a few minutes to check this out and provide feedback on this forum. There appears to be some valuable info there now - perhaps some tools we may want to look at for the babylon VRCamera, as well as creating GUIs for VR devices beyond the GearVR.



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I just reached out to their developer team today to figure out how to get the console window on Internet for gear lol.  It took me two hours just to get gear into developer mode cuz I had to make an app and bundle their signature first just to enable it lol!  


BTW full disclosure that browser has a full implementation of the webVR API.  @RaananW  We ended up using the webvr api and poly fill because it saved us a tiny bit of latency.

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