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Loading texture - what am I missing?


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I load a texture using the asset manager, once load is complete, I create a sprite using that texture.

I created a PG where you can see the code working:



But when I try to run the exact same code in my project, nothing appears.

The DOMContentLoaded listener was written in a way that'd allow me to keep my PG createScene() unmodified.

What am I missing?

window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
    window.canvas = document.getElementById("renderCanvas");
	window.engine = new BABYLON.Engine(canvas, true);
	var scene = createScene();

var createScene = function () {

    var scene = new BABYLON.Scene(engine);
	var camera = new BABYLON.ArcRotateCamera("camera", 0, 0, 0, new BABYLON.Vector3(4, 1, -0), scene);

    camera.setPosition( new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 0, -20) );
	camera.attachControl(canvas, true);
	var assetsManager = new BABYLON.AssetsManager(scene);
	var url = "http://jerome.bousquie.fr/BJS/images/spriteAtlas.png";

	assetsManager.addTextureTask("textureId", url);

	assetsManager.onFinish = (tasks) => {
		var ui = new BABYLON.ScreenSpaceCanvas2D(scene, { id: "uiContainer" });
		var texture = new BABYLON.Texture(url, scene, false, true, 1);
		var sprite = new BABYLON.Sprite2D(texture, { parent: ui, id: "asdf" });

	engine.runRenderLoop(() => {
    return scene;



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it might be complicated, because it is also a variable of your server, some settings can be wrong,

but for this example you just don't use the assetsmanager


loadmydata->data->dataisloaded?->data.url->to texture

@royibernthal problem serverside could be your setup of babel or boogle’s traceur is not right.

Edited by Nabroski
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What do you mean it's also a variable of my server?


42 minutes ago, Nabroski said:

problem serverside could be your setup of babel or boogle’s traceur is not right.

Could you please rephrase I didn't understand? The image is not stored on my personal server, and I'm running the code locally, just to give you a better picture.


45 minutes ago, Nabroski said:

loadmydata->data->dataisloaded?->data.url->to texture

I'm not sure I understood that part either. Do I need to save the reference to task.texture once its loaded or is it saved or managed somehow by AssetManager or Scene for future reference?

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It is indeed something new, I'm pretty sure I know how to use it. What do you mean by how to setup it?

I still need answers to all my questions, maybe you answered them but I didn't understand, either way it'd be great if you could find time later to answer at ease or if someone else could answer them.

Thank you for your time regardless

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Hi @royibernthal and others.

I have no new news.  https://github.com/Wingnutt/misc/blob/master/royibernthal.zip?raw=true

You can DL this all-in-one zip pack, here.  It seems to work fine on my home puter.  This pack includes today's BJS and hand.js, the sprite atlas, and index.html.  Just unzip, and double whack the index.html.  Before doing that, find a 4-leaf clover, and a rabbit's foot... and any other good luck charm you can think-up.  Why won't this goofy scene run on your home computer?  It's gotta be... the => thing.  Or not.  *scratch scratch*  Puzzler!


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Doesn't work.  hrmph. 

Not the DOMContentLoaded either. 

window.onload = function() {
    canvas = document.getElementById("renderCanvas");
    engine = new BABYLON.Engine(canvas, true);
    var scene = createScene();

Same symptom or close.  This is a scope issue, I believe.  canvas, engine, window.canvas, window.engine, engine.runRenderLoop, window.engine.runRenderLoop.  Troubles there, maybe.  I got a bunch of real-life work to do... lots of storm debris from a big one early this morning.  Knee deep in tree branches, in this large yard... and renters are responsible for yard work.  So, I need to get sweaty... in the high heat... but I'm already half done.  (yay!)  I'll keep thinking. 

Scope.  Check scope.  :)  Two engines running, renderLoop in wrong place or on wrong engine or SOMETHING like that.  Check out Temechon's tutorials/style.  He likes to put js in many separate files (class files), just like you. 

Me?  I stuff everything into one big file... cuzzzzz... I never do very large projects, cuzzzz... I am always tired... from all this yard work.  :)  Pro scopers are nearby... won't take long for them to see the problem, I hope.

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*nod*.  I actually meant all in one file (no app.js)... just like the way a zip of the working playground scene... does it.

Your most recent zip still fails for me.  Darned thing. 

Texture IS loading.  I added a plane... inside the assetsManager.onFinish and set its material.diffuseTexture = texture, and it worked fine (after adding a light to the scene).  So texture is fine.  Sprite2D has some kind of issue, though.

var text = new BABYLON.Text2D("test", { parent: ui, id: "Text", marginAlignment: "h: left, v: bottom", fontName: "10pt Arial" });

I added that... after the sprite creation, too.  It worked fine... so ScreenSpaceCanvas2D IS alive and awake.

Odd phenomena!  Create Sprite2D in script within main .html, and all is fine. 

Create it in separatefile.js, and it won't display, even though Sprite2D object seems (smells) fine.  hmm.

We might need to call for extra muscle... for this puzzle.  "Hey Extra Muscle!  Can you hear me?  We have a tough puzzle that's taking too long to solve."  :)

I'll keep scratching my beard and staring at the code... but... this is a good one.  I might be getting a tumor.  heh

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@royibernthal the last .zip you gave you fail locally right? I'll looking for a local repro that fail, it's the best way for me to fix the bug.

Last time I got this issue, I tweaked the local loading of texture to simulate a delay and I thought the bug was solved. Unfortunately I didn't foreseen such behavior when developing the Sprite2d class (I'm a poor web/js developer), so now I have to find the right way to solve this thing.


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So only i understand you right: in the bug report, you said, your are on it, royibernthals zip is not a relevant example. 

basically i don't care can fix it by myself, maybe. look here, dom onload textures has to be tweaked.
its kind of same thing as 2 weeks ago with pictures in babylonjs.



thread closed, everyone is happy.

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2 minutes ago, Nabroski said:


So only i understand you right: in the bug report, you said, your are on it, royibernthals zip is not a relevant example. 

basically i don't care can fix it by myself, maybe. look here, dom onload textures has to be tweaked.
its kind of same thing as 2 weeks ago with pictures in babylonjs.



thread closed, everyone is happy.

I'm not sure I understand. You say you don't have the issue anymore?

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