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Canvas vs WebGL on webos2


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Im doing pixi tests for WEBOS2. It's applications are besed on webkit, so basically it runs anything chrome can run.

I experience some strange issues with my app and PIXI:

1) When I force WebGLRenderer my fps goes to 52, but the rotating box Jitters/overdraws at corners and overall looks bad. Smoothie does not help

2) When I fore CanvasRenderer, the corners do not jitter and animate smooth, and the FPS is 43 (but looks better overall). 

How that can be?

Code :


  <meta name="viewport" content="user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1, minimal-ui, maximum-scale=1, minimum-scale=1">
	<script type="text/javascript" src="js/pixi.min.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="js/smoothie.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="js/stats.min.js"></script>

	<style type="text/css">
		body, html {
			margin: 0;
			padding: 0;

    var stats = new Stats();
    stats.showPanel( 0 ); // 0: fps, 1: ms, 2: mb, 3+: custom
    document.body.appendChild( stats.dom );

    //var interactive = true;
    var stage = new PIXI.Stage();

    var w = window.innerWidth;
    var h = window.innerHeight;

    var renderer = new PIXI.CanvasRenderer(w, h, {antialias:false});
    renderer.backgroundColor = 0x1099bb;

    /*var smoothie = new Smoothie({
      engine: PIXI,
      renderer: renderer,
      root: stage,
      update: update,
      fps: 1,
      interpolate: true

    var textureButton = PIXI.Texture.fromImage("http://pixijs.github.io/examples/_assets/BGrotate.jpg");
    var plane = new PIXI.Sprite(textureButton);

    plane.anchor.x = 0.5;
    plane.anchor.y = 0.5;

    plane.width = h - 100;
    plane.height = plane.width;

    plane.x = w / 2;
    plane.y = h / 2;

    var alphaDir = -1;
    //var start = 0;


    requestAnimationFrame( update );

    // var button1 =
    function update() {
        //var progress = timestamp - start;
        //start = timestamp;
        //var deltaTime = progress/1000;
        plane.rotation += 0.03;
        plane.alpha = plane.alpha + 0.01 * alphaDir;
        if(plane.alpha < 0.01 || plane.alpha > 0.99) alphaDir *= -1;
        requestAnimationFrame( update );



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7 hours ago, catafest said:

sorry about my replay , but if you used some new javascript libs, why not try to be used with https://jsfiddle.net/. maybe something like online development.

this allow us to parse and give a good answer to you.

what do you think about that ?


1) https://jsfiddle.net/x5amtvbw/ - here we go, simplified and ready.

2) I was more hopping for and theoretical advice, because, unless you own WebOS 2 hardware, you wont be able to experience the jitters etc. On my 2 PC's (high and low end) stuff runs smooth.

Theoretical advice is like: "That kas old web-kit, weblgl sucks there" or "Week gpu machines, tend to work better in cpu mode". But this is blah blah, I dont know those things.

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Hello, @trsh! 

CanvasRenderer isnt that good for big images on week devices, that's for sure. I just put them in separated canvas in background and it works just fine.

As for WebGL, I see you tried antialias:true; option but it didnt work for you. The thing is, in PIXIv3 by default that kind of texture have wrapMode=REPEAT , which may be the problem in your case. Try pixi-v4: https://github.com/pixijs/pixi.js/tree/dev/bin

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17 minutes ago, ivan.popelyshev said:

Hello, @trsh! 

CanvasRenderer isnt that good for big images on week devices, that's for sure. I just put them in separated canvas in background and it works just fine.

As for WebGL, I see you tried antialias:true; option but it didnt work for you. The thing is, in PIXIv3 by default that kind of texture have wrapMode=REPEAT , which may be the problem in your case. Try pixi-v4: https://github.com/pixijs/pixi.js/tree/dev/bin

" I just put them in separated canvas in background and it works just fine"

Can you explain a little bit more? What did you do/or suggest?

"Try pixi-v4: https://github.com/pixijs/pixi.js/tree/dev/bin"

Actually the results, in terms of jittering, are the same with antialias true and false. Antialias=true just makes sides smoother, not the transformation. I set it to false, because, I just tough that it would save some computing.

And same thing with pixi 4 and 3 (in terms of jittering) :/

Maybe WebOS2 has some older webkit, that hans't very good support for webgl.

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